Monday, June 27, 2011

27 June 2011

Laguz, Jera, Berkana, and Sowelu provided guidance for the day.

Laguz is water and when it reversed, it indicates I may be reaching too far.  For example, it is the start of the summer and when the Admin God leaves for a day to spend time with his lovely and I am playing the role of Admin Flunky, I should not expect to get anything else done.  End. Of. Story. 

Jera reminds me to be patient.  I identified my goals for the next 90 days for my coach.  I wanted to include a goal related to a personal relationship but decided to let that lie and work upon myself instead.  Patience with both is required and a challenge.  Patience is one of the most difficult skills and abilities to master.  It takes time.  In this rat race, who has time?

Berkana reminds me to take right action.  Right action today is found in Sowelu's healing abilities.  Heal thyself.  Heal to live again.  Heal to learn from mistakes.  Heal to learn from triumphs.  Heal.

Jera is the task for tonight.  One foot in front of the other.  A full cycle before the harvest.  Patience.  Perseverance.  Keep the faith.  Move ahead.  Keep looking to the future while being completely present in today.  One foot in front of the other.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

26 June 2011

Wow! What a set of curve balls that were thrown my direction! 

Today's guides came in the form of Kano, Othila, and Raido.

Kano reminds me there is work to be done upon myself and my life. 

Othila brings grief within one's life.  Grief does not have to reside within the person who draws the rune.  It could be coming from someone else within the drawer's life.  It could also be a reminder to look at grief as a release of emotions and is a healthy part of life. 

Raido bring harmony.  A quiet day is harmonious.  Unfortunately, that doesn't guarantee harmony in the remaining areas of life.  Too many things to do and not quite enough motivation to get them done.

Berkana reversed is the task for tonight.  Growth that may be blocked.  Asking for help through prayer.  Doing what is right, in this case, addressing limitations.  I see the "writing on the wall;" its time for a conversation with the Higher Spirit.  Understood.  Will do.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

22 June 2011

Ansuz, Dagaz, and Raido offered advice for the day.

Ansuz brings messages.  What messages could come on a normal day?  The normal messages to pay bills and make phone calls?  An idea of a message to give to a loved one?  Realization a path is a correct one?  You are the only one who knows.

Dagaz brings hope about ones health.  Hope for the future.  Hope the lessons from the past can be addressed, learned from, neutralized, and removed.  Look to the future.

Raido brings harmony.  A quiet trio for the day.  Speaks of the future and prosperity.

Uruz is the task for tonight.  Strength, gratitude, and support.  Strength to know when to make a move and what move to make; gratitude for people, things, and events to learn from; and support oneself and others in all worthy endeavors.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

21 June 2011

Uruz, Dagaz, and Othila were the runes I drew this morning.

Uruz reversed reminds me to not allow others to use my strength against me.  Conserve mine for bigger battles. 

Dagaz brings hope.  Today, I spent with co-workers in a safety presentation.  At the end, I am hopeful the new culture will create a safer environment to work in.  I know it is dependent upon individuals to be as safe as possible yet it does rely upon leadership as well.  It is something to remember and to consider. 

Othila centers around family and home.  I decided to make a side trip next week and this side trip will allow me to see some friends who are family.  There is something comforting knowing you are going home to see family.  Family who are not blood but are quite supportive and love.  Family.

Nauthiz reversed addresses constraint, shame, and limitations.  Don't take the world personally.  Question: is there shame in the agency or its employees when reflecting on safety?  An organization as old as this one should have a great safety record, correct?  One hundred plus years should be enough time to be a first-class safe employer.  Hmmm.  A thought.  As for my limitations, I am as safe as I want to be.  Those choices need to be within my employer's guidelines; however, that does not limit to only those guides.  I can exceed those guides.  It is my choice, no one else's.

Monday, June 20, 2011

20 June 2011

Odin and Jera were the runes of today.

Odin comes to call for a second day in a row.  A friend called last night and again tonight, that is the repeat from yesterday.  I need to ask tonight for guidance to determine if the idea I had after talking to my friend last night to see if the idea was correct.  Another friend seemed to think I was on track, I will need to steep on it and see what happens.  If I am correct, what a change will come as a result!

Jera advises me to have patience.  Patience is a good thing to strive for because one of the things on my mind requires me to have patience as does this idea that I am exploring.  Patience for myself and for others can be a challenge.  Yet, it is a wonderful skill to hone.  A respectable task.

Odin appears again.  The mystery is everywhere.  Is the mystery returning to my life from the conversations I have had in the last 24 hours?  Is it an indication of a change?  Is it an indication I need to consider the advice I gave last night?  Time will tell.  It is up to me to look for and see the signs of things coming into form.

Mannaz reminds me that today's events may not reflect others within my life but encourages me to look at the events and how they apply to myself and my Self.  The events are things I need to remember and the things I need to pursue.  I also need to look within, with loving kindness.  I need to ask my Self for guidance.  A rune of contemplation.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

19 June 2011

Happy Father's Day to all the fathers and mothers who stepped-up-to-the-plate.

Odin and Raido graced my day. 

Odin is a mysterious rune.  I never know what is in store for me when I draw the all-knowing.  I spent the morning reading until I decided to take a drive to see the water running over a dam face.  Next, I decided to take a side trip up to a ghost town, which is where things got... well, interesting.  I admit it, I like cemeteries.

  One of my memories growing up was sitting in a cemetery, at the grave site of a girl that a friend knew, with (at that time) my best friend and talking.  I don't remember the subjects, but it was peaceful.  My family is scattered in a variety of cemeteries and one family cemetery.  I walked in the cemetery of this town and it struck me that these people had no one anymore.  The fences were in disrepair.  Headstones were tilted.  Plants were growing in the plots (we aren't talking little plants, we are talking shrubs that can grow into trees).  A walk like this makes one think of one's family and who would be around to visit and care for the family plot.  I have no "line" at the moment to take care of me.  What's a person to do?  Creation?  Okay, who will keep the urn or scatter the ashes?  I suppose I can be buried in whatever cemetery is available to me when I die and be taken care of by some nameless and faceless grounds keeper.  That has no appeal.  Instead, I am going to buy a plot in the family cemetery and let the prairie grasses and prickly pear watch over me.

Raido advises a person to surrender when one's health is concerned.  Surrender to what? Today, I surrendered to the need to do some thinking.  Nothing specific, really.  Just whatever came.  The trip to the cemetery was an interesting tug for me.  I know I am alone.  I know there is the potential for me to be alone when I leave this world.  I am okay with that.  I surrendered to that.  I may not like it, but I met it and agreed to life's terms.  We come into this world alone, on our own.  We leave this world the same way.  It is the in betweens that matters the most. 

When it comes to relationships, in particular with yourself, Raido advises Harmony.  What better way to find harmony than to consider your end?  And the results after all of yours has gone.  Having considered both, I am able to better enjoy and make sure the between isn't wasted.  Be it helping a friend with one of his relationships and gaining insight into mine or sharing the tiny little things that make up the rest of the day.  Harmony within is a key factor in being able to have harmony without.

Eihwaz is the rune for tonight.  Defense, denial, and respect.  Defend yourself from yourself and others.  Address your own denial.  It isn't your place to address the denial of others.  Address your own.  Own it.  Respect it.  Respect yourself.  Respect others.  Respect the world around you. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

15 June 2011

Uffdah!  When a person draws Ansuz, Hagalaz, and Hagalaz, how can the day be good?  Messages, Hail/Anger, Hail/Challenges don't bring a day of ease, do they?

Ansuz brings messages.  What messages did you receive today?  Do they get in your face?  Do they sneak up on you and then demand your attention?  Do they shyly walk up and quietly ask if you have time for them?  Do they address your current life?  Do they address your future? 

Hagalaz has great disruptive power and it is very fitting that anger and challenges are tied to this basic element.  Anger does not need to be your own.  If it is yours, own it, recognize the cause, the solution, pursue the solution, and then release your anger.  You will feel better for it.  If the anger belongs to another, do not allow that anger to invade you and cloud your own life and judgement.  Instead, ask yourself, can you do anything about it? Is the anger directed at you or around you?  Direct being towards you pointedly as a result of action/inaction, statements, etc.  Around you is anger without a defined target or a target that is not attainable (such as a supervisor or a Higher Power) and is looking for a listening ear and a body willing to support the anger.  Once the target is identified and you know if it is solvable, solve it (if needed), and then release it.  Refrain from joining the mob of anger.  It will only ruin your day.  Honest.  That process is the challenge.  Your innate challenges also fall into place.  Do you have the power to make a change?  Influence a change?  Or is it outside of your circle of influence?  The answer to these three questions will be an indication of how much energy is appropriate to spend on the challenge.

Raido and Perth reversed are my tasks for tonight.  Am I stalled in my journey?  Do I need to take this time to take the initiative to stop and consider my foundation?  Am I in too much of a hurry?  Do I need outside help?   Do I need to surrender myself to a higher being or person or feeling?  Am I disregarding my feelings?  Do I need to feed these feelings?  Many things to consider and work on before I can progress.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

14 June 2011

Teiwaz, Ehwaz, and Mannaz were the runes for today.

Teiwaz reminds me courage is appropriate at all times, especially when faced with a new challenge.  Today's task was to participate in a meeting which required me to welcome as a company leader.  I have the skills and abilities.  My task strengthened my belief in my position and abilities.  Being in a position on a temporary basis is quite a challenge: you are doing your own duties and adding additional leadership duties on to them.  If you are wondering if you can do something, small doses such as this are a good way to try the position on for size. 

Ehwaz advocates forgiveness.  Choose your battles.  Forgive yourself for not taking a position you could have as opposed to choosing a better time and place to take the position needed.  You can still take a stand, just not always the way you wish to.

Mannaz is loving kindness.  There are days when out of the blue, your person receives an unexpected yet perfect gift.  People may think this is odd.  I was doing laundry and was given six books that are related to an area which I have great interest in.  One of these books is a beautiful antique.  Based upon the specific subjects of the books, I am left to believe this was not a fluke; the gift came from something else: spirit guides or a connection with someone else.

Ansuz is the task for tonight.  A day full of messages: I can be a leader; I can choose my battles; and I am blessed by a Higher Power.  I wonder if more messages will be given tonight?

Monday, June 13, 2011

13 June 2011

Isa, Hagalaz, and Inguz gave advice for today.  Interesting, the runes indicated the day was not going to be all that nice.  Yet, it was an enjoyable day.  BUSY!!

Isa is solid water.  Water so slow, it is almost at a stand still.  Today was a day to put my stuff aside and complete other tasks.  Two meetings, e-mails, and addressing concerns brought to the table by others.  On a day like this, there isn't room for me or my tasks.  I'm learning when you are the boss, these days occur more often than they don't.  Its good to know.

Hagalaz is an elemental disruption.  What emotion do you associate with a complete disruption?  Anger.  I did not have time to get angry today.  However, I dealt with the anger of others.  I was surprised one of my co-workers gave me such respect and trust today.  This person had an issue with another person and felt free to come into my office to share the experience and apologize to me for a potentially tough situation.  I have never observed this to happen between co-workers when one is acting supervisor before.  Amazing!

Inguz is the god Ing.  Ing addresses fertility.  In order for something or someone to be fertile, a death and a rebirth must occur.  Renewal is part of that cycle.  Today's activities provided the renewal to me to remind me I can do what I set out to do.  I can be the boss, if I choose.

Teiwaz is the task for tonight.  Reversed, a warrior is advised to look to ones health.  To remember to not stress over others opinions and emotions when you supervise them is important.  Release the things you can't take personally.  Address the ones you need to address.  Courage to lead a difficult meeting.  Have passion for your job and for your life.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

12 June 2011

Algiz, Sowelu, and Hagalaz provided advice for my day.  The advice was pretty appropriate.

Algiz reversed advises to look at the associations you form at this time.  Are they beneficial or parasitic?  Is there something you can learn from these associations without getting in "too deep?" 

Sowelu brings compromise when it addresses your health.  Whom do you need to compromise with today? 

Hagalaz reminds you to address your challenges.  What are you challenged to do today?  Through your actions or by actions of others?

I spent today with a person I work with from a distance.  What does that mean?  Do you or have you worked with someone who is in a distant office in a sporadic fashion yet you need to be on good terms with this person to make life easier?  That is what I mean "from a distance."  For several reasons, I needed to be on my guard with this individual today. This person is fun yet can be different when crossed.  It is always a good idea to smooth feathers before they are ruffled and learn how to smooth them when they are ruffled to make life easier.  I needed to compromise my personality with this person's.  Normally and when I am in a comfortable setting, I am willing to share a good bit about my life.  Today, I listened.  I provided feedback, when appropriate and was able to carry a conversation without compromising my position or giving fuel for the mill.  Sitting back and not sharing was one of the challenges I faced today.  I proved to myself that I could share with this individual without giving too much of my life away (actually, it wasn't my day to share); I proved to myself that I could restrain the need to comment on every little thing and provide a listening ear; and I proved to myself that I could maintain that position even though I was exhausted from the effort of extended conversations.  All in all, not too bad!

Ansuz reversed is the task for tonight.  Look to your health.  I did.  I have two weeks before another trip.  TWO WEEKS!!!  I am committed to work this weekend.  That means, I have one weekend prior to get everything ready to go.  I. need. a. clone.  That is all there is to it!!!  That rolls into guilt.  I need to do laundry.  End of story.  I think I might take tomorrow afternoon off to do a bit.  Next, is to communicate with the people I am traveling with to finish planning and answer questions that were asked earlier.  TWO WEEKS!!!  TWO WEEKS!!! ... breathe.... breathe....

Saturday, June 11, 2011

11 June 2011

Algiz, Ansuz, and Hagalaz were the guiding factors today,

Algiz advises protection.  To sit quietly and use all the senses to gather information about ones surroundings.  Listen with your ears, heart, and intuition. 

Ansuz deals with messages and at times, those messages come from guilt.  Guilt may not come from you.  It may come from others.  When others bring you their guilt, it is up to you to decide if you should accept it for its due or forgive the guilt.  As you make that decision, you might want to look within to other guilts and decide if you have a guilt or if others have guilt that is the same as you are forgiving from one person but not from others.  Once you examine that, is there are reason one is forgiven and the other is not?  Is that reason valid?

Hagalaz is our challenges.  Mine was taking part in a public event without the proper advertisement materials.  I now know I need to be better prepared and need to put the effort forth to be properly stocked for public events such as this one.  On the up side, a passerby was gracious enough to give me three leads for future endeavors.

Berkana is the task for tonight.  Growth, Prayer, and Doing what Is Right (addressing my limitations).  I am growing in my abilities and I ask for help.  I need to ask for specific help, perhaps.  Or ask more often.  I need to ask for help in minimizing my limitations, perhaps?

Thursday, June 9, 2011

9 June 2011

My runes this morning were interesting when I first drew them.  Algiz reversed, Odin, and Ehwaz marked the day.

Algiz reversed indicated I should look to my associations and ensure I learn from them no matter if the relationships were parasitic or beneficial.  I met several people today, in the line of business.  I also listened to a teleseminar recording.  Of course, the seminar offered a product to purchase, which I have decided not to do at this time because I am not quite ready to move to that step.  I need to complete a few others prior to making that move.  I also wish to give another avenue a try as well.

Odin is always an interesting rune as it can shake the world or just be a calm little breeze flowing through.  Nothing earth shattering today, however, the fact that my side mirror was fixed may be a calm little breeze right now but might cause a shaking on down the road.  Who knows!

Ehwaz advises to let go.  Let go of what?  Let go of needing concrete answers, perhaps.  I sought help and received answers that weren't as concrete as I was hoping for.  On the bright side, those answers were enough to let me know I can move forward with several projects.  I need to be careful, still.

Raido is tonight's task.  In reviewing today, it is appropriate as I am continuing on my journey and am making progress to make it happen.  I surrendered to the help and received good guidance.  My life may not be in complete harmony at the moment, I am making steps to create complete balance.  I am not at the beginning or the end.  I am continuing on my journey.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

8 June 2011

Ansuz reversed, Laguz, Perth, and Othila provided advice for today.

Ansuz reversed reminded me to look to the advantages of adversity.  Use challenging times to protect yourself by not opening yourself to direct interference.  Its not always easy; however, we need to protect ourselves from unwanted influences from others and our environment.

Laguz and Perth reminded me to see the humor and love in the day.  I had training which was not obviously usable and another appointment with a coach that was quite productive.  The conversation we had reminded me that I am doing pretty well in pursuing balance and new goals in my life.  I am looking forward to moving ahead with this project.

Othila is focused upon family and home.  One of the elements of life is family and relationships.  I have a goal in mind.  In my mind, I see my goals and a family merging well to create a well rounded life.  I am working on creating that balance and with perseverance, all will fall into place.

Jera is the task for tonight.  What a good summation of today!  I know my goals will take time to develop and be met.  I know seeing the humor and love in the day and life is a challenge to create.  A family will not happen over night, there is work to do to create that part of my life.  All in all, work is needed to see these projects to completion.  Perhaps my dreams will reveal how to complete some of these goals.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

7 June 2011

Odin, Gebo, and Ansuz were a powerful trio for today.

Odin is the great mystery.  The beginning, the end, and the middle are all a mystery to each of us.  We can't predict them exactly.  How they present themselves to us vary based upon our choices.  The key is to move forward, to decide what path we want to take to meet certain goals and then venture forward.  We will never travel one path, there will be rerouting opportunities as we travel.  These chances are dependent upon our previous choices.  Have faith and take that step!

As we take steps towards our goals, we need to trust.  Trust ourselves.  Trust our guides.  Trust our instincts.  Trust. 

As we travel the path of our life, we need to trust, to love, and to communicate.  Communication is the backbone of our daily interactions with life and our environment.  We communicate with ourselves and our Self.  We also communicate with others.  All this information helps us take guided action based upon stimuli.

Tonight's task is Perth.  I initiated a new project with an e-mail.  I love the idea of a new project that makes me more well-rounded and better balanced.  There is something great about establishing a way to become more in tuned with myself and motivate others to do the same.  Its just a way to become intimate with your environment.

Monday, June 6, 2011

6 June 2011

Fehu, Ehwaz, and Nauthiz guided today.

Fehu indicated I needed to work on my "possessions" again.  I am filling in for my boss while he is gone on a different assignment.  I attended a management meeting today that required a decision be made regarding a project we need to carry forward and present to compete for funding.  One of the things I have been struggling with is the lack of consideration, appreciation, and respect given the people on the job by those who are far removed yet control the funding we get to do our jobs.  It is similar to the debate concerning the source of our foods: they are magically delivered to stores via a truck but few realize the true source is a farmer (big or small) somewhere that gets a fraction of the money we spend on food.  The difference is, there are people telling that farmer's story yet few if any are telling our story.  Before you say, "why don't you?" you need to understand that unlike that farmer, I am unable to tell that story without the higher-ups' blessings.  Lets see you take that one on!  Enough of my little tirade...  I heard the managers voice concern about taking on these projects when monies are tight and unlikely to be provided for this new project and people are stretched tight as it is.  No one is figuring out how to keep that stretch from breaking; at least the conversations are occuring.

Ehwaz advises forgiveness.  Today, I needed to forgive myself for a mistake I made this morning.  There is this beautiful cabinet beside my door that I use as a landing strip.  I placed my breakfast (a nice cold soup made of pumpkin and yogurt) next to my keys not realizing it wasn't stable.  I went into the kitchen to grab things out of the fridge for lunch and a crash alerted me to the fact that there was pumpkin flowing across the floor.  Ever done that?  Done something stupid, that had you been paying attention, you could have averted a mistake?  Yup.  And, to add to that, I was running late.  Ever noticed that the morning hours are the hardest to forgive?

Moving on, Nauthiz advises addressing my limitations.  See above.  Also, I was running late.  Brush it off and move on.  Funny thing, I was disappointed, however, I did not dwell on the morning's events like I would have prior to the balancing work I have been doing.  Its nice to see signs of progress! 

Othila is the task for tonight.  I learned today that I can fill in for my boss and am able to progress to that level of leadership.  I realize these little test runs are not the real thing and I have a lot of thinking to do before I decide to go that direction.  I also need to succeed at my current job, first.  Balancing the body, the self, and the Self can go a long way to moderating your emotions and improve your well-being. Balancing also minimizes the impacts of your limitations.  They become a lesser irritant than they once were.  All in all, these are an excellent example of ones inheritance.  Not a bad Monday, after all.  Oh, did I also mention I had a 21 point cribbage hand?  No?  Oh well. 

Sunday, June 5, 2011

5 June 2011

Fehu, Teiwaz, and Hagalaz ruled the day.

Fehu is your possessions.  I woke up not feeling well and then a headache.  Ever wonder how that is your possessions?  The day progressed to a dinner invite and, there the possessions snuck in.  I know I can't own people, yet, knowing someone whom you have a history with (no matter how small) is in the same town you are in can be a boost to your self.  To share things about a place you lived with someone who is familiar with the area while sipping a beer on a porch is, just, well, heart warming.

Teiwaz was a great warrior and any great warrior possesses courage.  Today's courage was to enter a situation that may not have been the best.  To face the unknown with a straight back (and a headache that never quite went away) and a determined step can test the courage of any person. 

Hagalaz advises a person to address the challenges in ones life.  Unknowing if one will receive a warm welcome.  Unknowing if an idea has merit.  Unknowing if the path you are on is a viable one, a successful one...  Many challenges are faced by a variety of people on a daily basis.

Dagaz is the task for tonight.  A breakthrough begins with hope and requires a purpose in order to complete either task.  How can you have a breakthrough without a purpose?  What does hope serve other than a purpose?  Identify the purpose then focus upon the steps needed to complete the purpose.  Undertake the steps willingly and have hope for the process, the tasks, and the things you will learn.  After all, when everything is truly boiled down, it is the things we learn that make life what it is. 

Saturday, June 4, 2011

4 June 2011

Raido, Ansuz, Wunjo, and Sowelu were the runes selected this morning.

Raido indicates a journey is involved.  Ever wonder how you can go on a journey without leaving the house?  It doesn't have to be a physical journey.  Remember a journey has two sides, and how you respond to stimuli is up to you. 

Ansuz and Wunjo in one reading for health.  If you thought traveling on a journey without leaving a place is hard, how about dealing with guilt while also living in Serenity?  Using time to allow you to correct the relationship with yourself.  Restoring faith in ourselves, in our people, and our environment can bring serenity to the situation and our life.

Sowelu advises the use of healing to make correct things in our selves and our lives.  Healing is designed to make whole what is ailing or fragmented.  That is the goal of life, to be balanced and whole.

Kano is the task for tonight.  The light shed upon the situation tells me that I am the one I need to work on.  If I work on myself, all else will follow.  As I accept my life and the things I cannot change within others, I learn to live as I need to.  As I change myself, all others change or they don't, that is their choice, not mine.  It is my responsibility to change me as I need to and strive to create inner peace and live with my choices.  It is not up to me to live with the choices of others, as I have no control over that.  I have control of my choices and how I respond to the choices of others and how those choices impact my life.  That is it, that is all.

Friday, June 3, 2011

3June 2011

A complicated day has come to an end.  The day started with Mannaz reversed, Ansuz, and Raido. 

Mannaz is the self, the Self, and the relationship between the two.  When reversed, one of the other or both are out of balance.  Effort to restore balance is needed.  Many tools may be used: meditation, Feng Shui, prayer, etc.  Meditation in the morning is lacking in my routine, which I plan on restoring.  I am also researching changes I can make within my environment.  These may seem trivial, however, every little change can have large impacts upon life in general.

Ansuz brings signals and at times, guilt is a signal.  Guilt that I have: past, present, and future.  Guilt others may have that I can help neutralize?  Learn from your guilt and release it to the world for cleansing.

Raido is a journey of horse and rider.  In order for both to successfully travel in the same direction and together, harmony between the travelers needs to be created and maintained.  The task I am working on is to allow others to be themselves yet not allowing them to impact me directly, especially the negativity.  Each challenge is a test and an obstacle to overcome and learn from.  It is necessary to my development.  Undertake to do it willingly, learn, and release.

Algiz is the task for tonight.  Creating protection through the establishment of boundaries yet allowing holes in the boundaries through mutual trust.  Boundaries cannot be tight.  They need to allow influences in.  Without outside influences and without influencing the external world, we live in a vacuum and that is not within our nature.  We need to be influenced and we need to influence others.  We are herd animals and it is our duty to live in that manner or we are unwell.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

2 June 2011

This morning's selections included Algiz reversed, Berkana, and Uruz.

Algiz reversed advises to look to ones health and the associations formed at this time.  I found this advice to be accurate for the day's activities.  I spent the day with people I met yesterday and discussed next year's activities. 

Berkana reminds to look for help from other sources, Divine included.  The manner and issues are individual to the person and the situation.  Take the time to consult your higher self and your higher power for assistance.  Perhaps attending to your goals may be appropriate at this time.  Specific goals that are attainable and realistic stand better chances that those which are not.

Uruz reminds me to support myself and my relationship with my Higher Self.  To accomplish this, it helps to meditate and ask what is out of alignment.  Then, take actions to bring myself back into balance.

Jera is the task for tonight.  It reminds me my goals are not obtained over night.  I need to allow the full cycle to complete itself by displaying patience and perseverance. If I am willing to work towards my goals, they will be worth it and will come into fruition.