The runes' advice for today was Sowelu, Thurisa, and Inguz.
Sowelu is Wholeness, Life Force, and the Sun's Energy. The second day of living today, I was challenged to shed the past. It wasn't as easy as it was, yesterday. I was able to quiet the inner critic after the thoughts came in; however, they did get into my head. Thoughts of the future also entered in. This isn't entirely bad; however, focusing on a result as we often do when thoughts of the future enter into our minds is counter productive. Instead, focus on your actions today and when it comes to the future, visualize the forest as opposed to the trees.
Allow the sun's rays and strength stream into you and back into the world. Feel the warmth.
The rune of Wisdom, Thurisa is recognizing the answers or signs in response to our questions. Wisdom is the payoff for working to earn it. It is not given. You have to work for it.
Inguz is the rune of Renewal. Take actions to renew your relationships or consider if they need to be renewed. This includes your relationship with your Self. Of course, you can't really leave that relationship. You can; however, make changes to renew your Self. The results will be seen in your self.
Tonight's guidance is Othila reversed. Othila represents Loki, Signals, Messages; Grief; and Home & Family. Frustrated with life? Feel like you are spinning your wheels? Perhaps this is the time for you to be calm and do the work to learn the lesson as it is timely for your progress. Adversity is a great teacher and is needed in every journey. Perhaps Grief is getting in your way. Review it and its causes and let them go. Every relationship has its bumps. It has its own Grief. Address both and work to remove the obstacles. It will make that relationship stronger. A strong relationship with your Self can help to create a strong home and an atmosphere for your family.