Wow! What a set of curve balls that were thrown my direction!
Today's guides came in the form of Kano, Othila, and Raido.
Kano reminds me there is work to be done upon myself and my life.
Othila brings grief within one's life. Grief does not have to reside within the person who draws the rune. It could be coming from someone else within the drawer's life. It could also be a reminder to look at grief as a release of emotions and is a healthy part of life.
Raido bring harmony. A quiet day is harmonious. Unfortunately, that doesn't guarantee harmony in the remaining areas of life. Too many things to do and not quite enough motivation to get them done.
Berkana reversed is the task for tonight. Growth that may be blocked. Asking for help through prayer. Doing what is right, in this case, addressing limitations. I see the "writing on the wall;" its time for a conversation with the Higher Spirit. Understood. Will do.