Fehu, Berkana, Laguz, and Odin guided today's activities.
Fehu represents wealth: be it physical, monetary, health, etc. The wealth of a happy day; it is what you make of it, you know. Making a point of enjoying the day by pursuing one of my favorite interests: planning a dinner party. Looking through recipes for a collection of southern finger foods for a Pampered Chef party. I am hoping I can plan it for close to a horse race: Triple Crown or Mother's Day Races, either will work! All in all, it was a pretty good day.
Berkana brings growth. At times, that growth can be found in prayer. Prayer may take the form of asking directly for help from a Divine being or finding help in a book or in a family member. You are never too strong to not need help.
Laguz and Odin combine to guide my relationship with my Self. Laguz brings change. Everyday is a change. Contemplating what change is taking place is useless as Odin brings the unknown into the mix. Water moves slowly anyway, so the change may not be completely evident.
Hagalaz is the task for tonight. Hail brings disruption. How I look upon the disruption is up to me.