Uruz, Berkana, and Raido brought today.
Uruz reversed cautions to look within for blocks to using our strength. Refrain from over-reaching. Refrain from focusing on our actions too much as others and their actions impact our strength as well. I want to say that I earned a bigger rawel on my spurs yet the cause for me to think that also reminds me to pause as my success hinges on that person's actions and those actions are falling short of the goal. So, can I really put a bigger rawel on my spurs? Not yet.
Berkana reminds me I am not alone. There is always help. Help may come from the people around me; within; or above. Rapport is important when building trust. Trust is the foundation of a relationship. Relationships provide resources. It is the resource which will help me, eventually.
Raido brings harmony to ones life. Harmony is never a constant within a life. It can be, if actions are taken to moderate emotions. When the ebb and flow of emotions are regulated to reduce the spikes and plunges, harmony is easier to maintain. An excellent skill to strive for. I have neglected my chakras and that was reflected back at me today. Back on track!
Jera reminds that a growing season needs to be waited out before the harvest. Patience to wait. Perseverance to take the time and energy to invest in the item/task/person we are hoping will evolve into the vision we have. Wait on the will of heaven.