Othila reversed, Nauthiz, and Othila offered guidance for today's activities.
Othila concerns our inheritance, our home. Our home, like life, is ever changing. Our character, our permanent home (it is always with us), changes as well. Characters develop as we face challenges, meet those challenges, and learn from the process to get to the result. Entering into a situation with an open mind, without preformed notions and expectations, is an excellent way to expand and develop our characters. Character is a theme that has not been addressed much in recent times. Instead, we focus upon personality traits. Personality traits do not foster actions as a character trait does. Perhaps we need to return to Character Development...
Nauthiz is the need in each of us. To fulfill a need, do we need to address shame? Shame in our past actions? Shame in our reactions to the past actions of others? The shame involved in selfish acts? By the way, what is the true definition of a selfish act?
Othila focuses upon home. Family and friends are part of that home. Developing our abilities to interact with people: family, partners, friends, acquaintances, or strangers they be; can improve our inner homes and our abilities to interact within our tribes. Tribes?!?! Yes, tribes; our own core group of people. Modern times and technologies have enabled our tribes to scatter to the four winds, leaving us more physically alone as compared to previous generations. We need to evolve to adapt to that distance and figure out how to maintain those tribal relationships across the miles. Social media help; they aren't the end-all solutions, though. Perhaps it is time to become more mentally connected?
Thurisa/Thurisaz is the rune of Thor, of a great force. Thor was a mighty god and his hammer was a mighty instrument. The contemporary and traditional interpretations of this rune are very different. Contemporary indicates a crossing of a threshold. Traditional indicates a very violent action for either good or ill. Both indicate a catalyst for change, in some form. Both caution before creating that change. Wisdom and compromise may be needed before pursuing a change. Great consideration is needed before pursuing a desire or a result. I thought of asking for help from a being and this rune is telling me I need to think seriously about the issue at hand and the consequences of asking. I am not properly prepared to consult for that help. I may never be properly prepared. Therefore, I need to think on it for a while and develop my abilities to solve my own fears and perceived problems before consulting others.