13 March 2011
Mannaz reversed, Berkana, and Algiz guided today's need for recovery. Recover? Of course, after the activities of yesterday, I needed to take time to look within and recover an equilibrium.
Mannaz is the rune of Self and when it is reversed, it is a good time to look within and determine what is out of wack. Even after a day like yesterday, I still need to focus within and become centered again because I was balanced in a different direction as compared to normal.
Berkana is growth. Actually and figuratively. Look within for the growth and look to your relationship with the Divine to encourage and foster growth. We do not live in a vacuum, we have a belief system to consult and utilize for our own growth.
Algiz brings protection, defense. Trusting your self, your Self, and how they interact with each other and a larger spirit requires strength especially when those interactions and relationships are abstract.
Combined, these three indicated an avenue for meditation towards an equilibrium between all three elements.
Raido guides tonight's activities towards a journey. Is it a new journey or an old one? Does it matter? Even if the journey is an old-tried-and-true, we learn new things along the way because we miss things as we travel. How many times have you traveled a route in the car that you have traveled so many times you know where you are by the blade of the grass but see something new? Exactly! Its a sign I am on the right track.