Today's draw involved Algiz reversed, Gebo, and Laguz.
A thought occurred to me, which I will explore as the time is appropriate, what significance does the reversed presentation of the rune play? Traditional orientation is bright-stave (the rune appears upright, it doesn't matter if the actual rune is right side-up or not) and murk-stave which is upside down, the rune letter is not visible at all. Perhaps the reversed doesn't play a role at all; or because one is drawn at a time, it is playing the role of murkstave...
Algiz represents a defense of some sort. A defense can be a double-edged sword. It also can open oneself to something that has not been recognized before. Likewise, it can provide a shelter for one to hide behind. Am I hiding from what I should be doing? Likewise, is a friend doing the same? Are we at a point in our lives that we have not given up yet? A defense of oneself so decisions can be made. For example, wanting a sounding board for lunch for the week, I consulted my mom. Who was quite busy and begged off for a couple hours. By that time, I had consulted a friend and the internet; therefore, making my own decision. I was not able to hide behind her, I had to make my own decision. Likewise, I defended my decision (and my friend defended hers) to a friend when challenged about my reaction to someone else's actions. I know we will come to a point where a decision is made: to stay or to go. Actually, that decision is made daily.
Gebo is a gift. As commitment is a gift, so is trust. I had a very strange dream. I was tested and still remained loyal. That indicates to me that I still trust in that person and that relationship. That is good. When I no longer trust him or the relationship; things will be bad. Trusting oneself to know is the key. A friend is in an interesting relationship. It is always different looking in; I trust she will know when to stay and when to get out.
Laguz is the rune of water. Water is never stagnant, it is always on the move. Changing its environment slowly, as it moves on its way. Whether the change is for the better (going forward) or not (going back in development) is up to the person. Changes may cause a significant disturbance. However, keep the faith. If I am able to meet the challenge, the challenge will present itself. If not, it wouldn't be here for me to meet.
Berkana reversed offered guidance for tonight. New growth based upon old patterns. Growth forms while it is sheltered within. Focused and pointed advancement may be in the offering. Niceties may not be needed or required to achieve the growth. The right action required is to look to ones needs. No one else will look after your needs, that is your responsibility.