Mannaz reversed, Wunjo, and Perth heralded an enjoyable day.
Mannaz is the Self. Taking care of myself today topped my list of things to do. I would have liked another day off to recover; however, that was not to be. I did do some research for a work-related letter. I have a love/hate relationship with planning documents. Econ and Stat text books are worse, though. My dad would not be impressed with that last statement, oh well, not everyone can love and appreciate those dry subjects. I didn't get into a big tizzy about much of anything. Just made the efforts of catching back up with the real world.
Wunjo brought another quiet day. No crisis to face. The only true squiggly part of the day was not reading my calendar and showing up an hour late for a meeting, my first one too! Go Squiggle!!!!
Perth is the rune of enjoyment. I might just have to go and enjoy a bath before I go to bed to fulfill that one. Oh, there was this ridiculous e-mail that I shared with some friends, so I suppose that counts (Ash, I will send it your way, tomorrow)....
Algiz reversed offers guidance for tonight. Perhaps that bath is a good idea! I have also be having dreams that I remember. Another task might be to channel them a bit better? Or at least figure out how to remember them but not be woken in a freaked out state? I have been consulting a dream book and I am not sure it is applicable or if it is, it is lacking in completion. Perhaps on my journey, I will be able to interpret them myself.