Sunday, June 12, 2011

12 June 2011

Algiz, Sowelu, and Hagalaz provided advice for my day.  The advice was pretty appropriate.

Algiz reversed advises to look at the associations you form at this time.  Are they beneficial or parasitic?  Is there something you can learn from these associations without getting in "too deep?" 

Sowelu brings compromise when it addresses your health.  Whom do you need to compromise with today? 

Hagalaz reminds you to address your challenges.  What are you challenged to do today?  Through your actions or by actions of others?

I spent today with a person I work with from a distance.  What does that mean?  Do you or have you worked with someone who is in a distant office in a sporadic fashion yet you need to be on good terms with this person to make life easier?  That is what I mean "from a distance."  For several reasons, I needed to be on my guard with this individual today. This person is fun yet can be different when crossed.  It is always a good idea to smooth feathers before they are ruffled and learn how to smooth them when they are ruffled to make life easier.  I needed to compromise my personality with this person's.  Normally and when I am in a comfortable setting, I am willing to share a good bit about my life.  Today, I listened.  I provided feedback, when appropriate and was able to carry a conversation without compromising my position or giving fuel for the mill.  Sitting back and not sharing was one of the challenges I faced today.  I proved to myself that I could share with this individual without giving too much of my life away (actually, it wasn't my day to share); I proved to myself that I could restrain the need to comment on every little thing and provide a listening ear; and I proved to myself that I could maintain that position even though I was exhausted from the effort of extended conversations.  All in all, not too bad!

Ansuz reversed is the task for tonight.  Look to your health.  I did.  I have two weeks before another trip.  TWO WEEKS!!!  I am committed to work this weekend.  That means, I have one weekend prior to get everything ready to go.  I. need. a. clone.  That is all there is to it!!!  That rolls into guilt.  I need to do laundry.  End of story.  I think I might take tomorrow afternoon off to do a bit.  Next, is to communicate with the people I am traveling with to finish planning and answer questions that were asked earlier.  TWO WEEKS!!!  TWO WEEKS!!! ... breathe.... breathe....

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