This morning's draw was Wunjo reversed, Perth, and Othila.
Wunjo is the rune of Joy, of Light. When it is reversed, it indicates things are slow coming into their own. A crisis may be at hand. Everything is a test and, in times of crisis, it is useful meditation. Today, I experienced a crisis, of sorts. My boss passed an managerial assignment on to me. One that I inherited, that was sorely in need of fixing. New to the biz, I had no idea what the process was to address the problem. Information gathering, searching databases, making phone calls (of course, it had to happen when EVERYONE was gone for the holidays), and, then, making a decision on how to proceed. A long story short, my staff and I were able to address the situation and give my boss the information he needed. Not solved, but, that can wait for another day!
Perth, in the healing runes, symbolizes Love. The passage that reflects today the most was as follows: "is a simple reminder to listen-to your heart, to those you love and to the still small voice that always speaks with Love." Last night I had a social gathering at my house for the folks I work with. I am happy to admit that the turn-out was above and beyond the turn-out of my first work gathering 9 years ago! Every time I talk to someone from home or do something like the gathering last night, I am reminded that this move was a good one. One of my co-workers extended her gratitude for the event last night again, this morning. I don't think I could have chosen a better place to land for this step in career. The scenery is great, but, all the beautiful mountains, plains, breaks, etc. in the world isn't as beautiful as the scenery when you are welcomed into the community!
What better to follow Love, then Othila, the rune of Home and Family. The place and people where we feel comfortable. Knowing that I didn't have any engagements for the night and that I could spend it relaxing was an excellent thought for the day. A dear friend called, too. Even though I didn't get to talk to her, I still got to hear her voice on the "machine" and it was great to know that she was wondering how life was going. Three phone calls from my support group in one week, that doesn't happen very often. I must be doing something right for those events to line up like that! The only thing I have changed, is this blog... A new life indeed!
The last rune of the day is Isa. Isa is one of the nine (counting Odin) runes that does not have a reversed position. It is also one of thirteen that address the circle of life: gestation, birth, life, death... Isa, itself, represents Standstill, Withdrawal, or Ice. Basically, I am advised to let go of the old and wait for the new. It is coming. Any time you are asked to give up the old, the known, Fear enters into your life. Should you let go of the known? What if the unknown is worse than the known? Acknowledge the power of change, this healing rune advises. Reflect on life as it was and as it is. Now is the time to choose stillness over action. The only person you can change is yourself. What habits do I have now that aren't helpful or healthy to any of my relationships? Withdrawing? Not sharing my emotions? Everything has an ebb and a flow, during the ebbs, it is timely to look within and clean out the old ways to make room for the new.