Gebo, Algiz, and Wunjo were the runes for today. I wonder how and why a day can be like today with the runes I drew? These all indicate a good day, a nice day, a happy day. It just wasn't. I suppose it wasn't sooo bad, considering...
Gabo is the rune of gifts and partnerships. I talked to my mom today and she was kind enough to be a sounding board for meal planning for the next couple days. I know we have come a long way in food preparation and preservation, but, not far enough in my world.
Algiz advocates establishing and maintaining boundaries. There are questions I have about boundaries. Some of them stem from interactions I had with a cousin yesterday and others stem from someone else. We establish boundaries to protect ourselves. Yet, part of interacting with other people, in particular those close to us, require us to make holes in boundaries so others can get in and get close. One of the most difficult things is to know when and with whom to let boundaries down for. I am getting better at gaging that. What I still suck at is recognizing if the person or people I am letting in are willing to return the jester or not. Interesting question, one which I will ponder for quite some time, I am sure.
Wunjo brings celebration. What and with whom? Do we need others to celebrate with or is it just a joyous to celebrate alone? Do you look at what you have experienced and learned up to this point, celebrate the survival and move on? Are there many types of celebrations? What did I learn? What part of me did I share? Was it appreciated? Was it needed?
Ehwaz reversed is the task for tonight. Movement that blocks. Forgiveness. Letting go. Definitely something I need to consider and take steps to accomplish. See where this takes me.