Laguz, Jera, Berkana, and Sowelu provided guidance for the day.
Laguz is water and when it reversed, it indicates I may be reaching too far. For example, it is the start of the summer and when the Admin God leaves for a day to spend time with his lovely and I am playing the role of Admin Flunky, I should not expect to get anything else done. End. Of. Story.
Jera reminds me to be patient. I identified my goals for the next 90 days for my coach. I wanted to include a goal related to a personal relationship but decided to let that lie and work upon myself instead. Patience with both is required and a challenge. Patience is one of the most difficult skills and abilities to master. It takes time. In this rat race, who has time?
Berkana reminds me to take right action. Right action today is found in Sowelu's healing abilities. Heal thyself. Heal to live again. Heal to learn from mistakes. Heal to learn from triumphs. Heal.
Jera is the task for tonight. One foot in front of the other. A full cycle before the harvest. Patience. Perseverance. Keep the faith. Move ahead. Keep looking to the future while being completely present in today. One foot in front of the other.