Odin, Ehwaz, and Kano guided my day, today.
Odin is the unknowable, the mystery. I really enjoy the days of auctions. I have no time to think. And when I have no time to think, I have no time to analyze my life (how things could be, should be, would like them to be, etc), no time to dwell on things I coulda done different, no time to dwell on a whole host of things that can sabotage the self. Therefore, I am able to live in the moment entirely without tearing it to bits.
Ehwaz is the rune of movement, and some of that movement may require forgiveness. Forgiving myself for being too critical. I am highly critical of myself. Of course, it doesn't help that I was taught that at an early age. Perhaps that is one of the things about my relationship that drives me batty is that I am learning to be less critical because three fingers point back at me every time I complain, and ya know, those fingers are right. I am just as guilty about my pet peeve. However, I am led to believe by society that things are supposed to be different. That there is a set formula of how things should work and we have to follow that formula or we are odd and that just can't be right, right? What chaps my rump these days is the advice, and lack there-of, these days. There are hordes of books on relationships: business leadership, relationships, communications, difficult people, etc. What is lacking is the statement that every person is unique, every relationship is different, and its okay to manage each person according to their personality. WHAT, you say in outrage! Just look at ALL these books... Uh huh. Let me ask you this: is there a book out there that tells you how to manage your SELF and the relationship in a manner that produces a success? All the business books focus on the business, they fail to say how these techniques can be used in personal and interpersonal relationships. And the relationship books are all about how to catch the guy/girl but not how to build the relationship and turn it into a success. Its as if the hunt is the hardest part and after that, well, it should be cake, right? And if it isn't, well then, sorry my dear, you picked the wrong one, deserved to be dumped, or some other tear-you-down-in-fake-sympathy-here's-the-real-reason-you-failed-and-this-book-will-fixit crap. Its really too bad that no one has written that. Oh, wait, that would mean there is a cookie-cutter recipe for the perfect human reaction; and if that book was written, no other book would be needed and the genre would not be needed and the authors would be out of a job.
Kano brings change, is akin to fire. At times, inner peace needs to be achieved. I thought I had some form of that today until I started to write my blog. Oops, guess not. I vented. Perhaps it was needed. I even kept it really short (well as compared to what it coulda been).
Isa is the guidance for tonight. Rather timely, considering my rant just now. Go within. Be in almost complete standstill. Address fears, identify them and consider if they are appropriate or need to be replaced. Reflect upon the past, current, and future. Bless it and release it....