Monday, June 6, 2011

6 June 2011

Fehu, Ehwaz, and Nauthiz guided today.

Fehu indicated I needed to work on my "possessions" again.  I am filling in for my boss while he is gone on a different assignment.  I attended a management meeting today that required a decision be made regarding a project we need to carry forward and present to compete for funding.  One of the things I have been struggling with is the lack of consideration, appreciation, and respect given the people on the job by those who are far removed yet control the funding we get to do our jobs.  It is similar to the debate concerning the source of our foods: they are magically delivered to stores via a truck but few realize the true source is a farmer (big or small) somewhere that gets a fraction of the money we spend on food.  The difference is, there are people telling that farmer's story yet few if any are telling our story.  Before you say, "why don't you?" you need to understand that unlike that farmer, I am unable to tell that story without the higher-ups' blessings.  Lets see you take that one on!  Enough of my little tirade...  I heard the managers voice concern about taking on these projects when monies are tight and unlikely to be provided for this new project and people are stretched tight as it is.  No one is figuring out how to keep that stretch from breaking; at least the conversations are occuring.

Ehwaz advises forgiveness.  Today, I needed to forgive myself for a mistake I made this morning.  There is this beautiful cabinet beside my door that I use as a landing strip.  I placed my breakfast (a nice cold soup made of pumpkin and yogurt) next to my keys not realizing it wasn't stable.  I went into the kitchen to grab things out of the fridge for lunch and a crash alerted me to the fact that there was pumpkin flowing across the floor.  Ever done that?  Done something stupid, that had you been paying attention, you could have averted a mistake?  Yup.  And, to add to that, I was running late.  Ever noticed that the morning hours are the hardest to forgive?

Moving on, Nauthiz advises addressing my limitations.  See above.  Also, I was running late.  Brush it off and move on.  Funny thing, I was disappointed, however, I did not dwell on the morning's events like I would have prior to the balancing work I have been doing.  Its nice to see signs of progress! 

Othila is the task for tonight.  I learned today that I can fill in for my boss and am able to progress to that level of leadership.  I realize these little test runs are not the real thing and I have a lot of thinking to do before I decide to go that direction.  I also need to succeed at my current job, first.  Balancing the body, the self, and the Self can go a long way to moderating your emotions and improve your well-being. Balancing also minimizes the impacts of your limitations.  They become a lesser irritant than they once were.  All in all, these are an excellent example of ones inheritance.  Not a bad Monday, after all.  Oh, did I also mention I had a 21 point cribbage hand?  No?  Oh well. 

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