Tuesday, December 21, 2010

21 Dec 2010

Today's runes were Teiwaz, Jera, and Gebo.

Teiwaz represents Twi (the Sky God) and the Warrior.  It was a glyph that was painted on shields of the Vikings to embody Twi when they went into battle.  Today, it reminds me that I need to commit to the work needed to align my self with my Self.  It is a rune of strength.  The strength to remove obstacles, the strength to commit to actions which strengthen me, relations with others, and my faith in a Higher Power.  Patience is also embodied in this rune.  It has been my experience that patience is the greatest strength.  Some times it comes easily, more often than not, it is something that I have to work at having, have to commit to it.  And that can be very difficult, indeed.  The results of patience, however, can never be fully described!

Jera embodies Patience when it comes to healing runes.  Knowing a relationship is timely but having not reached the desired outcome is probably one of the hardest times to have patience.  Also, having patience with yourself by letting yourself gain knowledge or letting go of something before moving onto a new project or relationship is probably equally as difficult.  Striving to have patience for others is one thing, but applying that patience to oneself is equally difficult, if not more so.  It is important to experience the now; forgive the past; and look to the future without desiring after a specific outcome but still striving towards that goal.  Live in the present while remembering and applying the lessons of the past in an effort to achieve the future.

Gebo, when it comes to relationships, reflects Commitment.  Committing to yourself that you will learn from the past, forgive people who hurt you; ask to be forgiven for the hurts you committed; forgiving yourself for your short-comings; you will live in the Now; and will be cognizant of the future is the mark of a strong person.  When that person can commit to oneself and make the same commitment to a relationship with someone else, it is a mark of an even stronger person.  Often, we commit to someone else without committing to ourselves.  We are taught that it is selfish to focus on ourselves instead of others.  We are taught that we have to be paired off with someone.  We are not taught that the most important relationship to commit to is with ourselves and with our Higher Power.  When we make that commitment to ourselves and our Self, and live up to it, committing to other relationships, regardless of their worthiness, will come easier. 

Tonight's offering is Berkana, reversed.  Diligence is important when working to achieve goals.  Identify the obstacles, work at slowly and gently removing them, and continue on the path to growth.  Prayer may be needed to help remove obstacles.  We are not meant to travel alone, all the time.  Pray for healing, for righting wrongs, is always timely.  Gently removing obstacles and asking for help through prayer are important steps to Taking Right Action.  Tonight's right action is perseverance through Jera.  Keeping at it, not giving up, seeing things through.  Removing obstacles even when they seem to multiply like boats, guns, wire coat hangers, and troubles.  Keep focused on the task at hand.  Charge!!