Today's selection was Nauthiz reversed, Uruz, and Thuriza.
Nauthiz represents Pain, Constraint, or Necessity. Reversed, it advises a cleanse, a cleaning. It is a New Year. Dust out the corners, clear out the old. Make room for the new. A new life cannot take up residence in your life if the old hasn't been cleared out to make room.
Uruz reminds us to express Gratitude. Be grateful for past lessons even if they were painful. Be grateful for the past lessons which were pleasurable, too. Be grateful for the present. Be grateful for the future. Be grateful. You never know where a Grateful Life will lead you.
Thuriza is the rune of Compromise. Compromise is making a situation a Win-Win. Always strive for the Win-Win. Never give up your morals, yet, be willing to give to make that win-win.
Ansuz is the task for tonight. Signals, Guilt, and Communication. Ansuz may bring some messages through dreams. There may be guilt from how one communicated or failed to communicate. Communicate with your Self and self. Also, make efforts to communicate with everyone in your life.