Sowelu, Raido, and Laguz indicated a timely path has started today.
Sowelu is the rune of Wholeness, Life Force, The Sun's Energy, and traditionally, the Sun. We search after a wholeness, a completion. We search within and without, sometimes independently or jointly. Mediation provides guidance. A touch from home may bring a sense of comfort. Above all, the search and achievement of completion is what we all search for.
Raido is a rune of Surrender and Journey. Surrender yourself to the journey of life, become one with your Self. Personally, I was surprised to see cohesion developing at work. Developing the trust and respect with my co-workers and between them has been gratifying to watch; especially after working in a inhospitably environment. Personally, my renewed efforts at meditation has started me down a path towards becoming self-aware, improving my esteem, and increasing my creativity. I look forward to continuing on that path!
Laguz is the rune of Change as symbolized by water. Water is a slow and powerful force. It never follows a straight line; it is always winding around rocks, objects, and tiny bits creates soil which is a foundation for vegetative growth, ultimately supporting human life. Sometimes we start a change by bringing in a new element to our lives. Meditation can be a catalyst for change. Embrace change and see what wild journey it takes you on!
Tonight's advice is found in Mannaz reversed. The third night in a row, this indicates there is still work for me to do with myself. Starting a new path brings excitement and trepidation as the self and Self change. Change is never forced, unless it is absolutely required. Often when we ignore the need for change, it creeps up upon us for an external source. Ignored change is always earth-shattering. Embrace change and the events it brings. Learn from it.