Isa, Kano, and Gebo offered advice for the day.
Isa appears as an I and reminds you to look to your self. Taking care of yourself may require you to pause and consider your actions prior to taking them. You do not need to be in a doorway to take the time to pause. The need to pause may strike you mid-stride as you are focused upon a goal and taking steps towards that goal. Listen to your body, listen to the little guide within, listen to whatever cues are telling you to slow, look around, reflect, and consider where you have come, how you got to where you are, and what you may need to do to continue on your path. Do you need to reschedule an appointment? Do you need to reflect upon the lessons you have learned so you can use those tools to help someone else? Slow, look around, consider your options, look to those options to see if you need to choose a couple changes prior to taking your next step. Step.
Kano is fire and brings acceptance. Change the things you can, accept the things you cannot, and work at knowing the difference. What are you tolerating? Of those things, what can you change? Are there things requiring your attention yet require you to make adjustments to yourself before you act? Accepting the need to make changes prior to taking that step is important. Changes to Self and self can make the being a stronger force. Use the time to build that strength.
Gebo is a gift-giving force which reminds you to commit to the relationship. Commit to the changes you are embarking upon. Commit to providing the guidance and tools to others, as needed. Even as you commit to something or someone, remember you can only do so much. The other being needs to make a commitment, as well.
Othila encompasses family. Inheritance, grief, and home are all aspects of this rune. As you build your home, you bring experiences, people, and resources from previous homes and lives with you. Part of your past must be released to make way for the new. Likewise, the people you bring with you may not have the same skill sets, needs, abilities, and other traits that may not fit with what you envisioned. As you realize this, it is important to not grieve over these characteristics as they are unique to each of us and are appropriate for each person's development even though they may not reflect our lives. Can you help by using the tools you have inherited through skill and experience? Your choices build your family and home. Choose wisely...