Lagaz, Ehwaz, and Othila were today's guides.
Lagaz is water. Slowly able to make the greatest change. Rarely is the change brought by water delivered in a loud and disruptive manner. Most often, it is quiet and gentle. Because of a disturbance in work rhythms, I had an unplanned day off. Oddly enough, I did not write morning pages this morning, either. Today's activities were a gentle reminder to relax. I sent two gifts to family. The gifts weren't exactly planned or announced. I connected with several friends.
Ehwaz brings movement. And as yesterday indicated, forgiveness is part of movement. Today, was reconnecting with a friend whom I am not close with; have not been close to for several years. She is family because of her relationship to one of my best friends. Making progress to revisit that friendship.
Othila is the rune of home, of family. I connected with several friends and family who were concerned for safety in light of the work situation. It warms the heart when you know people are concerned about your safety.
Perth is tonight's project. Perth is the joy and comradery found in a celebration. It relates to your relationship with your self, Self, family, friends, lovers, etc. Even when absent, they can still be present through thoughts and actions. You must love your self and Self before you can truly love others.