Friday, July 8, 2011

8 July 2011

Kano, Mannaz, and Ansuz provided guidance for the day.

Ah, don’t you love “ah ha moments?”  My ah ha moment encompassed all three runes today.  I went out for drinks with a couple friends and invited one of my employees to come, if he chose.  He chose to join us and we all enjoyed our drinks and visited for quite a while.  My employee and I chose dinner instead of the Bard entertainment (and more drinks).  We went to a restaurant specializing in a local cuisine and the conversation turned to work related.  I am learning something very interesting about my employees: they appear to reflect things about me back at myself.  For example, my older employee is abstract in thinking and needs deadlines (and a list).  The younger is learning how to interact with people.  Kano provided me with insight into interacting with myself and with people around me by reminding me I am not an expert and to ask questions.  Mannaz reflected the innocence of seeing through new eyes.  And Ansuz provided a path to communication to myself through someone else.  A coach once said that Relationships bring resources.  It is true.  It is even more accurate to say that Communication creates rapport.  Rapport builds trust.  Trust strengthens relationships.  Relationships bring resources.  Resources are the things needed to make things happen in life.  The time and money I spent while visiting with my employee was worth every bit of success I can inspire this individual to create.  My next step in this journey is to foster a similar action within my other employee. 

My “ah ha:” I am doing what I am supposed to be doing.  The venue or the employer can and will change, however, the basic work is right.

The task for tonight is Uruz reversed.  Removing blocks from being able to see the good and show gratitude for the good within my life and increasing my ability to support others as they support me.  A good task for any night!