Mannaz, Ansuz, and Uriz called for a day of reflection and contemplation...
Mannaz is the rune of the Self. It speaks of listening to your being and developing a relationship with your Self. It also points to developing a relationship with our surroundings. Not your desk, but the environment around you (you know, its that place outside that we briefly visit on our way to the car; the place we actively try to tame; the sky, dirt, grass, leaves, Earth). The best way to live life is to be well rounded, balanced with our selves, humans, flora, fauna, and every creation in the Universe. Care of the Self is very important, as well. Minimize stress. It will be there; however, we do not have to allow it to dominate our day or our life.
Ansuz is the rune of Signals, of Messages. Part of the messages coming in may be one of Guilt. Guilt that I was unable to attend a meeting today. Guilt that I wasn't able to do my duty. I had to address that guilt and neutralize it. It was actually fairly easy as what car rental agency is open at 2300 on a Tuesday night? Or at 0500 on a Wednesday morning? I was also reminded to take time to listen. Listen to any, to all.
Uruz is the rune describing aurochs and its strength. One of the most valuable strengths is support. Providing support when it is needed is an act of kindness to offer loved ones, including ourselves. Support given by others should be thanked appropriately and appreciated. I planned on taking the day off due to yesterday's events; however, I was given support when a co-worker offered to send documents to me so I could work from home. It was a great idea and I was able to be productive even when I was making arrangements for repairs and the like. Today, I was reminded to listen.
Ansuz advices there are more messages to receive tonight for tomorrow's activities. Take the time to listen to your environment. Give your time and you will be rewarded with knowledge. Listen to what your Self has to tell you. You might be surprised at the advice given. My morning pages solved a problem yesterday morning and continued to solve it this morning. What a wonderful thing to discover you "knew" the answers all along! Take the time to listen.