This morning's selections included Algiz reversed, Berkana, and Uruz.
Algiz reversed advises to look to ones health and the associations formed at this time. I found this advice to be accurate for the day's activities. I spent the day with people I met yesterday and discussed next year's activities.
Berkana reminds to look for help from other sources, Divine included. The manner and issues are individual to the person and the situation. Take the time to consult your higher self and your higher power for assistance. Perhaps attending to your goals may be appropriate at this time. Specific goals that are attainable and realistic stand better chances that those which are not.
Uruz reminds me to support myself and my relationship with my Higher Self. To accomplish this, it helps to meditate and ask what is out of alignment. Then, take actions to bring myself back into balance.
Jera is the task for tonight. It reminds me my goals are not obtained over night. I need to allow the full cycle to complete itself by displaying patience and perseverance. If I am willing to work towards my goals, they will be worth it and will come into fruition.
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