Sowelu, Uruz, and Nauthiz offered guidance for today.
Sowelu brings wholeness. Wholeness is the thing we all strive for. It is our purpose, to achieve wholeness. For me, today, I finished a project I revisited after my weekend. I was looking for guidance and discovered a mistake I had made. That mistake caused my expectations and behaviors to look for something else. Once I found the mistake and revisited the outcomes, everything fell into place. Nothing happened, specifically. Just the feeling of right. My goal is still valid, I just may need to pursue it differently.
Uruz is strength and shines through courage. Courage to wait to make a decision until all the facts are laid out in front of me. Courage to do my job the best I can. Courage to have faith in a project and a goal. That, is the hardest one of all, to have courage in faith because faith is not a tangible thing. It is an abstract thing and can only be conjured by yourself. To have courage in your abilities to bring forth faith, love, hope, and all things which are hard to grasp is one of the greatest displays of strength. The next greatest display is to follow through with faith, love, hope, etc.
Nauthiz is our need for something. At times, the thing we need the most is to address our limitations. Remember, we cannot live life fully on our own. We achieve our greatest abilities and missions when we are joined by another. It is up to us to let go of our limitations, recognize them and release them, so we can absorb those of others to minimize them and they ours and we can amplify each others strengths, therefore, creating a strength beyond our wildest dreams.
Kano is the task for tonight. Open yourself to the fire within. Accept what it has to offer you. Accept the gifts you are given. Strive for inner peace. Realize that as you do these things, you are working on yourself and yourself only. By working on your own character, you increase your circle of influence and as you increase that circle, you have an increased ability to influence others. After all, that is the goal, isn't it?