Lets see if I can get back on track with my runes...
Today, Perth reversed, Isa, and Inguz graced my life.
Perth is a rune of change. It brings initiation, revealing a secret matter. In the reversed position, it indicates an opportunity to pause, contemplate your path, make any needed adjustments and forge ahead. Do what's right. That may be within the confines of law, social moral, personal moral, or spiritual guidance. The hardest thing is to do what you personally believe to be right even though it may run counter to the wishes or desires of others. At what point do you stop and reconsider your actions and revise? There is a fine line between compromise and holding firm. Timing is everything, my friend. For example, if you have done wrong or there is a skeleton rattling around waiting to get you into trouble, it is in your best interest and defense to "head 'em off at the pass" as it were. When you lead the discussion with the unsavory, you have as much control of the situation and reaction as you possibly can. If you leave the discussion for chance, believing that the right time will come (and that has happened SO many times), you give up any control you may have had over the situation. You deny yourself the ability to frame the discussion, to guide it down a path favorable to you. Unguided, that run-away will trample you and any hope you had of salvaging the situation. THAT, my friend, is why politicians have a stable full of SPIN! Needless to say, someone I knew didn't take control and it spun out of control with the end result of me exiting. Me feeling used and manipulated. As a result, I am gathering my life back around me, regrouping, making adjustments, and venturing down another path. Armed with new knowledge, which, quite frankly, I wish I never needed to know.
Isa follows suit. Isa is isolating and within isolation, fear can grow. I met my fear today and minimized it by enlisting the help of a friend. Never enter a situation which you are unsure of without weighing the risks. If the risk is too large, can you mitigate it with support at your back? If so, use that support. I did. I was attacked for it. Give me the same situation tomorrow, I would do it again. Always assess the risk, no matter the task.
Inguz is the rune of fertility and with fertility, comes renewal. Renew yourself, especially after a stressful event. Each choice we make is a chance to renew our lives. Escape the feelings of being used and manipulated. Look within, recognize yourself and listen to your Self and he/she describes the You as you can be.
Teiwaz is the task for tonight. I know where I am going to start. I am going to renew my meditations and clear away the blocks so I can begin again, refreshed. Tiw was embodied by every warrior before going into battle. A sign of courage, the brave went into action to create a path for others to follow. Courage is embodied by passion. It is something we all have for a project and another being. The trick is to find the right focus for our passion. If you feel lost as to where or how to focus your passion, have courage to ask your Self through meditation. You will be guided as the Sun was across the sky. It takes Courage to follow that path to your highest Passion. Tiw accompany you on your journey.