My day was guided by Othila reversed, Hagalaz, Kano, and Algiz.
Othila reversed cautions me that to keep with old conditioning will block my progress. It advises to leave the old ways behind and pursue new conditioning. We do without doing and things get done. This advise is timely to my activities for the day. I am finishing a two-day class. This class, along with my actions, will facilitate my future success. I meed to embrace new ways to accomplish this. I cannot rely on old conditioning. I need to look forward and move in that direction.
Hagalaz is elemental hail and its force is anger. Anger can be used productively as long as it is guided. I did not personally feel anger today. I did hear it in other voices. I heard frustration directed at others and directed at selves. I had technical difficulties with my computer connection. I did not get angry, I did feel frustrated. However, these feelings did not stay with me long. In fact, they were perhaps a blip on the radar. My chakra work is helping me to let go of anger. To stay balanced. I must admit, it was a balanced day.
Kano and Algiz joined up to guide me in my relationship with my Self. Kano advocates Inner Peace. Algiz advocates Mutual Trust. I had both. I have both. I was able to tap into my Peace while working on some exercises that could have been very emotional for me. I was able to recognize the potential for the emotion and release it. I experienced Mutual Trust with other students in the class. I had similar experiences with each, yet some connections were deeper because of shared interests.
What an amazing day!!
Isa is the task for tonight. There are fears I need to address within my mind. Fears of loss of security. Fears of not finding clients associated with a new endeavor. Fears of the unknown. Fears of Ethics violations. These are all fears which I can minimize by taking steps to make sure they don't materialize. For example, by keeping my current position, I can ease into my new project. By doing that, I am maintaining financial security while gaining experience so I am better positioned to jump into the that project. As long as I am careful about how my projects materialize, I am able to avoid any conflicts. Positive energy and creating relationships will bring clients to me. I can. I am. I AM!