Odin, Perth, and Jera offered their influence on today.
Odin is a new addition to the traditional set of 24 runes. Ralph Blum introduced the idea. His interpretation was that of things coming to an end and a new beginning starting. The opportunity to turn a new leaf or whatnot. To start fresh. Be it an attitude or something more substantial, new beginnings are called for.
Perth traditionally heralds good tidings and continual change (envision the joy to be found in the hall drinking with friends and playing games). Ralph Blum interprets Perth as Love when to concerns health. Question: how do you show/experience love when that person is not within reach? Remember to be loyal to the absent. Perhaps it would be an opportune time to remember that to love and to be in love is a gamble in, and of, itself. WHAT? Yup, that is right. Life and love are gambles. It isn't fair to the absent to cuss them for not being there to protect and help with things. Sometimes, that is not practical. Just as it isn't practical for me to be any other place than here; unless it is to visit. Love at all times, not just when it is convenient to do so. Have faith in that love, just like a gambler has faith that the win is around the corner.
Jera represents cycles of nature, of life. It reminds us to not give up, but to persevere. Keep the faith. Continue to pursue your goals even when obstacles are thrown in your way. If the goal and project is worth while, continue, knowing that as you face obstacles that you are gaining strength and will be more successful.
Fehu is offering the task for tonight. Fehu is the rune of mobile wealth. Wealth can be monetary or your own abilities. It is important to share these gifts. They are, after all, gifts. Honesty is an excellent example of a gift we have become reluctant to share. First and foremost, be honest with your self. When you are, you open yourself to abundance.