Tuesday, February 1, 2011

1 Feb 2011

Uffdah!  What a long day! 

Algiz reversed, Perth, and Gebo offered their advice for today.

Algiz represents Sedges, Elk and Protection.  Traditionally, it also represented a sword.  Beware of your health and take care concerning the associations you make at this time.  Wow, was that ever on track!  I went to a meeting of like-minded-creative types and ran into the sister of a guy who's sister is married to a guy who's sister owes me money from my previous life!  Oh ya!  She looks a LOT like her sister and I sorta figured it out before she asked me where I was from and if I knew her brother-in-law (or whatever he would be).  I'm gonna have to be careful with that one.  I know there is a story there, but she wasn't saying and that is probably a good thing.  HOWEVER, did her face say it ALL!  It isn't really that often when the runes are that blatantly obvious, especially this one, but holy cow, was it dead on!!!  Keep head down, mouth shut, and keep movin forward...

Perth is one of the more complex runes.  In Blum's health interpretations, he indicates it addresses love.  The traditional interpretation is much more complex.  For today, love will suffice.  Thank you dad for coming to my rescue!  How can a person rescue someone else 800 miles away you may wonder.  Knowing what to say and providing advice for a situation neither of you have control over helps.  Showing just the right concern and knowing what to say to prevent a blubbering idiot/screaming shrew calling for help is a wonderful skill!  By the way, he may be the source for the blubbering idiot/screaming shrew tendencies...  Or it might be mom....

Gebo is the rune of Gifts.  One important gift is partnership and part of that is commitment.  Commitment came in many forms today.  Committing to be involved in a committee to build a mission and a vision statement for a group; joining a group; committing to spending an unknown quantity of money...  Not bad for one day. 

Raido offers the task for tonight.  A Journey towards Surrender to bring Harmony.  Something clicked in my brain today.  It will be interesting to see what tomorrow brings.  Surrender to the lure of sleep to bring some quiet to my life in a form of harmony until the alarm sounds and a new day starts again.