Monday, March 7, 2011

7 March 2011

Sowelu, Inguz, and Sowelu guided today.

Sowelu brings the Sun.  "I can of mine own self do nothing." ~ John 5:30  Maintain my progress and continue with my actions towards wholeness.  Wholeness must start within, with my self.  Some of the ways to achieve wholeness are to be positive; put my whole self into my work; live the day for the day; and strive to learn something new each day.  Singing with the radio helps, too.  A Corb Lund song has been in my head all day: "There is a woman, she lives in the west.  She is not the devil, but she wears his best dress..." Or something like that.

Inguz represents Ing and fertility.  Part of fertility is having faith.  Faith in yourself.  Faith in your life.  Faith in your abilities.  Faith in others.  Faith in all!

Sowelu appears again.  The Sun brings healing.  What to heal?  What needs healing?  Is it questioning the self and its actions?  After you tear yourself down, how do you heal yourself?  Others can't heal self-inflected questions; even questions that look at your character and knock your knees out from under you.  How do you heal from that?  Slowly, that is how.  It takes 12 positive actions to counter act a negative one.  Therefore, bring on the positive energy........

Ansuz reversed guides tonight's efforts.  Ansuz can bring messages.  Ansuz can exemplify self-change through words and may include enthusiasm.   In the reversed position, it may bring frustration through manipulation.  Communication may, if used correctly, reduce the manipulation.