Today's runes were Fehu, Hagalz, and Ehwaz.
Fehu is the rune of Possessions, Nourishment, and Cattle. Cattle were a sign of wealth because they required a great deal of investment to raise a calf to a mature animal, ready to be slaughtered for its meat. Dairy cattle were able to provide milk in addition to meat. Today, it speaks to asking what is important to your life, what you see is evidence of success: is it wealth and things or the success and failures of relationships with yourself and others? Part of nourishment is maintaining those "possessions" and caring for them. Ever tangible item and every relationship needs to be cared for, to be fed. Remember to feed your relationship with your Self, as well. There is no point to having wealth if you aren't in a position to care for them and enjoy them.
Hagalz is the rune of Anger. Normally perceived as a negative emotion and therefore, negative actions. Instead, use it as a strength. Take your anger and challenge it. Use it to neutralize the anger and its source by learning from the cause of it and turn it into a success. Anger is a mask, get to the source of anger; be it hurt, fear, abandonment, or other negative emotions. Explore it, learn from it, and use it. It isn't a challenge, if you aren't ready to face your anger, don't face it. Meditation on your anger, instead. Ultimately, it is a new way of looking at life.
Ehwaz is the rune of Letting Go. It is fitting that Ehwaz follows Hagalz. To recognize your Anger and then putting in the time to Let Go is not an easy thing to do. Some people hide behind their Anger because it has stayed with them for so long. Looking at your baggage and neutralizing it allows you to move forward to bring new experiences, even new baggage, into your life. The baggage you bring in may not be negative, it could be so profoundly positive to make you stronger and better. As a lump of clay is molded into a sculpture or practical vessels, the true shape is exposed through manipulating the clay. Taking away, adding, rearranging, destroying, and creating. Imagine success, but don't focus on the specific outcome while ignoring the surroundings. Be open to changing directions. Let go of the past so you can begin again.
Tonight's runic advice is Mannaz reversed. The Self; Innocence; and Loving Kindness. Look inside for the enemy of your progress. The challenges you are experiencing on the outside reflect what is going on inside. Live life creatively. Know your self and your Self. Look back to an age of Innocence. That is where things begin. Innocence brings wholeness and can restore wholeness even after innocence has been ripped away. Sweet beginnings can return and restored by little acts. Honor the routes you can come and how you got there. As you honor your travels, practice Loving Kindness to yourself and to others. Forgiveness, acceptance, and loving are important to share with ourselves and others. These traits and actions allow us to minimize and quiet the critic within. The ability to silence the critic is the mark of a very skilled and Self-aware person.
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