Today's runes were Isa and Eihwaz.
Isa is the rune of Standstill, Withdrawal, and Ice. Gestation is this rune's position in the Cycle of Initiation. Quietly waiting for the birth. Being in the world but not of the world. Asking questions but being careful to not guide the questions to what I want. Looking at personal desires and be willing to let them go. Gathering strength for times to come when the strength will be needed to see the cycle to its completion and the next new beginning. Trust in yourSelf and watch for signs of new.
Eihwaz is the rune of Denial. Living life in the moment, not letting it be lived without active guidance. Recognize short comings. Admit them to another, be it human or Higher Power. Have compassion for others, be of service to the people in your life. This may be accomplished by being a sounding board to someone looking for guidance from within and without. Provide comfort to a wounded heart. Open yourself to this process and gain comfort as well by offering it to others. Respect their challenges.
In relationships, Eihwaz is the rune of Respect. To respect someone, is to see someone again. The cycle of gestation, birth, life, death, and decay is an ongoing process. It has no end or beginning. Issues return as we need to revisit them and learn new things or relearn old. Much like re-incarnation, issues have a way of resurfacing until we have learned what we need to learn. Issues are opinions of others or a byproduct of them that we learn from. We always look at something through our eyes and our eyes change as they learn new things through experiences. Care for others by appreciating what is important to them. Especially for those we love. Thinking loved ones believe the same we do, is a sign of disrespect. We are never the same, that is what makes separate beings into a stronger whole. Respect is part of the foundation of the relationship.
Jera brings Harvest, Fertile Season, One Year; Patience; and Perseverance as the tasks for tonight. Remembering the task I am working on will come to its completion. In time. I must be patient because if I push too hard currently, the end will not be what I wish for. To persevere and complete the tasks for their sake knowing I will be making a stronger product, I will succeed.
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