Algiz reversed, Sowelu, and Othila were this morning's selections.
Algiz is protection. The one person we need to be vigilant about protecting is ourselves. First and foremost, protect our health. Many things impact our health: diet, exercise, genetics, people, to name a few. Some things we have control over, such as whom we let into our lives. We also can manage our body and its balance. I am working on my inner balance. I hope that as I become balanced within, my life will become balanced without, as well.
Sowelu asks I give compassion for the second day. Having compassion involves not passing judgment onto others. That is a challenge for anyone! We judge every day. Someone wiser than me has said (no idea who, I think I heard this gem in some training or something) that we dislike 20% or 1 of every 5 people we meet on sight alone. That means, before someone says hello or is introduced to us, we have made a determination whether or not we will like them or hate them. I wonder if that is true? No matter. It is up to ME to decide if I am going to follow that reaction, evaluate the reaction as I meet that person, or toss the reaction out the window. I make that choice. The compassionate choice would be to reserve judgment until I have some "facts" to back up that decision. Likewise, it is up to me to also cut myself some slack when I am making changes in my life and I stumble and fall. Or make no decision at all. That needs compassion, too! Oh, yes, when you are evaluating a speech, it is also appropriate to show compassion to the speaker. Don't throw them under the bus. Its just not nice!
Othila is the rune of family and home. The best thing I can do for my family and my home is to create balance in my life, starting with myself. I am looking within to see what my blocks are and how I can become balanced. Strange things happen when you remove blocks. Like deciding what your speech topic will be within 15 minutes of agreeing to speak. Huuuhhh? You may say. All I can say is that some times you feel something that clicks and that is all there is to it. Guess you have to experience it yourself.
Mannaz reversed is the task for tonight. As I work at becoming balanced, I need to remember to pursue that in a selfless manner. I am working on achieving one with my Self, with the Greater Power, and angelic beings. I am reminded to return to innocence and innocent times through memory. I practice Loving Kindness. Loving Kindness is the key. As I practice it towards other people, hurts dissolve and understanding increases. As I practice it towards myself, fears are released and love increases. I find harmony. A good task at any time.
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