What a day! It has be a long time since I have experienced such a inspiring, enjoyable, and beautiful day!
Thurisa, Kano, Isa, and Wunjo all provided guidance for my day.
Thurisa advises a pause, reflection, and consideration before taking a step forward, across the threshold. Are we ready? Are we forgetting something? Do we need to make an adjustment to our plans? These are all things, and more, we should consider as we contemplate our next move. When we are ready, then, take the step.
Kano and Isa bring caution. Kano asks we accept ourselves for who we are. That does not mean we have to stay as we are. We are always free to learn, grow, adapt, and change course. When deciding to change or to remain as we are, we must address our fears. We cannot live in the standards of the past and expect to be successful in the future. We must recognize that even the next breathe of air changes us and we are no longer what we once were. Fear is an excellent survival tool; it can also be a stumbling block if we allow it to slow us up in our pursuit of our goals, objectives, and purpose. Accept what we were, what we are, recognize we fear the unknown. Do that, then release those fears and our past to the universe and willingly take a step into the unknown, knowing the new will replace the old.
Wunjo is a celebration of joy. Celebrate yourself and all you have done, achieved, and the progress you have made. You've come a long ways and you have a long ways to go. On this day of predicted rapture, celebrate your life. Celebrate your lessons. Recognize what you assume are mistakes and failings; celebrate the things you learned as a direct and indirect result of those actions. Release them to be cleansed. Celebrate your successes in the same manner. Release them as well, knowing you are making room for new lessons. Welcome the chance to have new experiences and embrace the opportunity to learn more. Take the next step into your future with a smile upon your face!
After my day, I am not surprised to draw Odin as tonight's task. I am taking steps towards a new life. Completely unknown to me. The excitement is indescribable. The future is untold. All I know is no matter the outcome, I will be successful because I am taking that step, that first step, and will have opportunities to Adapt, Improvise, and Overcome anything that comes my way. I am responsible for my actions and inactions. No one else is. I make the choices. I act.
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