Berkana reversed, Dagaz, and Odin offered pointers for today.
Berkana reversed is an interesting rune at any time, it points towards self development and causes you to ask yourself if there is character building you need to do. Of course there is! What do you need to work on? I need to be more patient. I need to be more kind. I need to be more considerate. I need to not get frustrated with help desk. I need to grab a can of virtual spray cheese.... Oops, I need to be more kind.
Dagaz is the day and with every new day comes HOPE! Today's hope, I hope I can see well enough in the dark to do my thing... Thankfully, there is a little slice of light that comes underneath the door! Save often, people!!
Odin is all things mysterious. Accept someone's inversion. Embrace it, if you have to. The Possum Oath can be changed as needed: If I have to, I guess...
Odin is the task for tonight. Embrace the mysteries of all things. Prepare the soil for the new "crops" and look for guidance. Chase it all with a glass of cold milk... Preferably from out of the paper carton that was delivered in the middle of the winter with ice crystals in it... Oh, wait, that doesn't happen anymore, so the coldest milk you can get.
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