Wunjo, Jera, and Laguz guided today.
First, allow me to wish one of my closest friends a happy birthday and rest in peace to Liz Taylor. Both is and was a wonderful lady. I never actually knew Ms. Taylor, but you must admit she was an icon and quite the strong person. We call all strive to obtain that strength.
I finished filling a notebook with Morning Pages. It was quite an accomplishment. The next notebook I will be writing in contains entries from 2007 and 2008. They involve someone I was dating at the time. I suppose you could describe that relationship as my first serious one. Damaging. Controlling. Did I mention damaging? Deluded, when reading back. Full of hope despite the warnings. I suppose I compare that with the current. The concerns are completely different, I think. The current has lasted much longer and is a stronger relationship. More trusting. More affirming. More nurturing. More caring. I'm not saying its perfect, far from it. There is more stability. Today's runes are reassuring me about our relationship. Wunjo because I am much happier with this one than previous ones. Wunjo because of home. Jera because I must be patient with myself, with him, and with us. I can't force things. Life needs to progress and change. Laguz and its change. I am changing. I am learning to remember my dreams. To develop my chakras and learn what they can do and what I can do when they are developed. I have a feeling that when I am ready and we combine our abilities, we will be quite the force to recon with. We will be successful at something, not sure what that is, yet. Time will tell and there will be great joy to be found. I had to fail before I could soar.
Jera indicates I need to be patient and persevere towards my goals, and I shall have success. Keep the goals in sight and climb over the obstacles! Focus. Reroute as needed. Focus. Stay the course.
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