Inguz, Fehu, and Othila graced today.
Inguz is a rune of fertility. Of growth. It represents Ing. Growth may be internal more likely than external. Take time to rest and allow the growth to take place.
Fehu is the rune of wealth. One of the gifts we have which makes us wealthy is our honesty. Honesty with ourselves and with others will gain us more in the long run than any monetary wealth we can obtain. It is also healthier for our bodies, too.
Othila is the rune of inheritance, family and home. Internal or external home may be the issue. Are you happy where you live? Are you happy with your internal home? Where do you live when no one is there to observe you? Where do you live in your head?
Ansuz is the task for tonight. Listen to the messages your dreams tell you. Listen to your gut. Perhaps try calming your mind as you prepare to retire. Let go of the stress of the day. Welcome the messages coming your way. Learn from them. Give up the old so you can accept the new.
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