Wednesday, December 22, 2010

22 Dec 2010

Today's runes include Uruz, Wunjo, and Hagalz.

Uruz is a rune of Strength, Man/Womanhood, and the Wild Ox. In Ralph Blum's book, "The Book of Runes," he lists 13 runes which make up the Cycle of Initiation.  The Cycle is the cycle of all aspects of life.  Uruz is one of those runes.  This rune makes a time of new growth.  There may be three areas where new growth could occur in my life: a new partnership with someone doing research; an opportunity to interact with an unknown fellow artist; and an opportunity to develop my relationship with family members.  Two out of the three have the potential to be challenging, similar to the efforts it took to domesticate wild animals such as the wild aurochs.

Wunjo appears again, making a time of Serenity.  Is it an indication that the partnership I wrote of earlier is timely and appropriate?  Is it an indication I should find peace in knowing my life is and will change?  And with change, comes challenges?

Hagalaz (I just realized that there are two spellings for this rune) represents the challenges faced in any relationship.  One of my challenges of today was to remember my place at work.  I find it challenging, sometimes, to remain professional while letting some of my "stories" contribute to the discussion.  A new project is proving to be a challenge.  I don't readily have access to the materials I need.  However, it isn't impossible to get them; just a challenge.

Strength and Serenity helped me face challenges today.  Thankfully, the challenges were small as compared to others I have faced in the past.

Tonight's advice for tomorrow is Berkana.  Berkana is another rune from the Cycle of Initiation.  Symbolizing growth, rebirth, and the Birch Tree.  Consider my issue and take slow, gentle, and penetrating action to remove resistances to reach the goal.  It is concerned with family.  Asking for help through Prayer will be appropriate especially as growth and change relate to family.  Who better to consult for help than a Higher Power?  Through Prayer I will learn what the Right Action will be.  In this case, the runes tell me that Isa is the appropriate action for tomorrow.  Isa indicates I need to reflect, be receptive, and to wait.  Wait to see what others bring to the party.  Be still, look for and remove obstacles, ask for help, and reflect on what has taken place in an effort to look to the future.

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