Monday, February 28, 2011

28 Feb 2011

So long February.  What a month: car repairs, a death, and a community threatened.  A new month and new things are on the horizon...

Kano, Raido, and Jera offered advice for today.

Kano is fire; it sheds light on us.  Not just the external self but the internal self.  The journey begins and ends with the Self.  It is the individual's choice to tweak it along the way.  Are the tweaks minor or are they Earth shattering modifications?  Only you know.  All I know is the answers are not apparent yet.  I am slowly looking within for the answers.  I am entering into a depression which I will climb out of.  My intention is to climb faster and surer than my exit of the previous bout of depression.  I have to. 

Raido is a journey and at times, that journey is a surrender to the process or to the standstill.  Surrender knowing I am not able to make my influence felt at this point in time.  Surrender to a time of repair.  Surrender to rest.

Jera represents a time frame.  It indicates the journey will not be ending soon.  Persevere, keep moving forward towards that goal.

Isa advises looking within in silence and alone.  Ice is the slowest movement of water.  Slowing down, taking advantage of a standstill.  Don't push the river.  Look within, neutralize the fears.  Reflect upon life up to this point.  Release the fears and look forward to tomorrow knowing yesterday is in the past and tomorrow brings a new day.  A new sunrise is on the horizon.  Face forward with an open heart and mind!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

27 Feb 2011

Eihwaz, Teiwaz, and Jera offered today's guidance.

There are days when the runes combine to indicate one should make no hasty decisions.  It is a good idea to work on lists and research prior to making a decision that will change your current course.  Self Defense found in averting actions, having courage to postpone those actions, and persevering on the current path.  On those days, it is best to grab a good book and curl up under a blanket surrounded by feathers or fur... 

Teiwaz is tonight's task.  The warrior requires courage and passion to be successful in the battle. The battle can be with the Self or with others. 

Saturday, February 26, 2011

26 Feb 2011

Teiwaz reversed, Wunjo, and Raido greeted today.

Teiwaz represents the god Tiw.  The symbol was painted on weapons and provided protection.  It represents justice, self-sacrifice, and world.  Combined, they join to one being.  Three aspects are found in most things, especially relationships.  If we look at the facts and make appropriate analysis, we will receive justice and make correct decisions.  Lead with your heart but rule with your head.

Wunjo is joy.  There are days when the mundane tasks are the source of solitude which in turn brings serenity.  At times, looking to care for the self and Self are the best source of joy.

Raido is a rune of travel, of journey.  At times, one must care for the self before sharing with others.  Mundane tasks are the call of the day.

Gebo offers gifts to be found tonight.  Gifts from within.  Gifts from guardians.  Gifts from dreams.  Gifts in all things.

Friday, February 25, 2011

25 Feb 2011

Lagaz, Ehwaz, and Othila were today's guides.

Lagaz is water.  Slowly able to make the greatest change.  Rarely is the change brought by water delivered in a loud and disruptive manner.  Most often, it is quiet and gentle.  Because of a disturbance in work rhythms, I had an unplanned day off.  Oddly enough, I did not write morning pages this morning, either.  Today's activities were a gentle reminder to relax.  I sent two gifts to family.  The gifts weren't exactly planned or announced.  I connected with several friends.

Ehwaz brings movement.  And as yesterday indicated, forgiveness is part of movement.  Today, was reconnecting with a friend whom I am not close with; have not been close to for several years.  She is family because of her relationship to one of my best friends.  Making progress to revisit that friendship.

Othila is the rune of home, of family.  I connected with several friends and family who were concerned for safety in light of the work situation.  It warms the heart when you know people are concerned about your safety.

Perth is tonight's project.  Perth is the joy and comradery found in a celebration.  It relates to your relationship with your self, Self, family, friends, lovers, etc.  Even when absent, they can still be present through thoughts and actions.  You must love your self and Self before you can truly love others.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

24 Feb 2011

I drew Othila reversed, Ehwaz, and Fehu.

Othila is the rune of home.  I have only one thing to say and it is a quote out of Ralph Blum's book: "We do without doing and everything gets done."

Ehwaz is movement.  In order to truly move, we need to forgive.  Forgive ourselves.  Forgive our family.  Forgive our friends. Forgive others.  Forgive the Earth.  Forgive the Divine.

Fehu is wealth.  Abundance.  What is abundant in your life?  List the abundance.  Thank the abundance.  Thank the Divine for the abundance.  Enjoy the abundance knowing it will not last.  Do not mourn the passing of abundance.  What was abundant must recede to become abundant again.  Be thankful for both the abundance and the absence.

Berkana indicates growth is the project for tonight.  At times, growth occurs through prayer.  Growth is the ultimate goal of the Self.  To grow, through learning, loving, living, and leaving something behind.  Identifying challenges and recognizing them may be the task at hand. 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

23 Feb 2011

Hagalaz, Gebo, and Berkana offered guidance for today.

Hagalaz represents hail.  It indicates a crisis of some form.  How we react to the crisis dictates the outcome: positive or negative.  I started my homework today.  A list that incorporates mitigation.  Learning new things about life phases.  How interesting that our life cycles follow natural cycles, including weather.  Civilization and technology have joined together to dilute our understanding of nature's influence upon our lives.  Hail, for example, is both damaging and nourishing.  It damages by coming to Earth with huge force, slicing and puncturing things in its way.  It melts and nourishes the ground beneath it.  It does not indicate a decision or solution is immediately at hand.  It is the process, the homework, the coming into the light of the action of the decision.

Gebo brings gifts.  An opportune time after changes brought by yesterday.  Now is the time to trust the Self.  Build the trust while going through the work of research.  Research your issue.  Research your feelings.  Research your life.  The steps of your research slowly builds your trust in your Self and its ability to guide you to your new life.  It will not be soon in coming, that is not in the nature.  Nature has cycles which develop over time.  They take their time, as should you, and if they are subtle enough in their development and movements, they may arrive with force.  Enough force to knock you off your axis.

Berkana is growth.  At times, you need to ask how to focus your growth.  Today, Inner Peace required attention.  To develop inner peace, I needed to lay things out on paper.  To use a sounding board between my self and Self.  I needed to identify strengths and weaknesses.  I am not completed with this task.  However, I have not scared myself away.  Mitigation may be needed to fully determine the gift brought by hail.

Isa advises to look within, in silence.  It is the water transformed into ice that makes up hail.  It brings all into itself into stillness like water into ice.  It goes into stillness to reflect upon all things.  It identifies and addresses fears.  Considering yesterday and the activities today, tonight is an excellent time to look within, in silence.  Are my fears valid?  Are they actual?  Or are they "figments?"  Can they be mitigated?  Are my fears within the lists I am making?  Can they be turned into strengths, into caution.  Caution not because I am scared to go forward, but caution because like the person who burned their fingers, I am approaching the fire with stealth and respect.  Look within and review what the self and Self have discussed and discovered.  Come on, you know they talk to each other.  Make no decisions.  Take what they have discussed, what they agree upon, and disagree upon and consider the reasons for each side.  Consider with care.  Reflect.  Then wake........

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

22 Feb 2011

Ahhh, what a day. 

Dagaz, Wunjo, and Inguz offered guidance for today.

Dagaz is Day, indicating a possible breakthrough.  I didn't expect much; however, it was interesting.  I have some home work to do, though. 

Wunjo is the rune of joy, with joy comes serenity.  Serenity can come when things fall into place and all is right in the world.  Well, perhaps not all being right, but enough is to bring a bit of joy.

Inguz is the rune of Ing.  It is a time to rest and listen to your Self.  Wow, what a trio for the day.  I have homework, pro and con lists, and an idea to "live" with (much like living with a tattoo prior to being inked).  Hmmm.

Berkana offers advice for tonight.  Berkana is the rune of growth.  The growth is internal, making what has already been there into being.  Dagaz is the right action.  More thinking and homework to do to explore the breakthrough.

Monday, February 21, 2011

21 Feb 2011

Presidents' Day brought guidance from Uruz, Othila, and Odin. 

Uruz is reminiscent of the aurochs.  Aurochs were quite strong and tenacious.  If that strength is grasped, it can be used to make progress towards goals.  It can also be used to strengthen internal strength.  I need to increase my confidence in myself.  There are things that I am not comfortable with and I have been spending time second guessing myself.  On the flip side, I have learned that my relationships are strong and challenging.  I was consulted and was able to share my strength with a friend.  I hope any advice I gave was not hurtful.  It is hard, looking from the outside in.  One thing to make me a bit more relieved is that it has been easier to defend mine and my choices when asked.  I hope that I gain the strength to not be my worst enemy and can continue to defend that choice for a long time to come.

Othila is the rune of home, of family, of inheritance.  Part of that is learning to deal with grief.  Grief lives in your heart.  Look to the care of your heart.  Be it choosing to stay in a situation that may or may not be progressing where or how you want it.  Looking at the emotional bank account and assessing if you should stay or go.  Remembering the past, be it dead relationships or dead friends/family, and learning from the it.  Look within for the source and determine if it is something to release or if you need to hold on to it because you haven't started or aren't finished grieving.

Odin is the end and a beginning.  What is the end?  What is the beginning?  Perhaps I am in down time and learning more about myself.  Building on skills that haven't been developed or need further development.  Learning to relinquish control...  Good medicine is a handy thing and not something I have found here.  Granted, I haven't looked for it yet, either.  Perhaps that is the next journey for me to begin.

Sowelu, representing the sun, offers advice for tonight.  Perhaps good advice will arrive tonight.  Good luck comes with this rune.  The journey will be good.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

20 Feb 2011

Today's draw involved Algiz reversed, Gebo, and Laguz. 

A thought occurred to me, which I will explore as the time is appropriate, what significance does the reversed presentation of the rune play?  Traditional orientation is bright-stave (the rune appears upright, it doesn't matter if the actual rune is right side-up or not) and murk-stave which is upside down, the rune letter is not visible at all.  Perhaps the reversed doesn't play a role at all; or because one is drawn at a time, it is playing the role of murkstave...

Algiz represents a defense of some sort.  A defense can be a double-edged sword.  It also can open oneself to something that has not been recognized before.  Likewise, it can provide a shelter for one to hide behind.  Am I hiding from what I should be doing?  Likewise, is a friend doing the same?  Are we at a point in our lives that we have not given up yet?  A defense of oneself so decisions can be made.  For example, wanting a sounding board for lunch for the week, I consulted my mom.  Who was quite busy and begged off for a couple hours.  By that time, I had consulted a friend and the internet; therefore, making my own decision.  I was not able to hide behind her, I had to make my own decision.  Likewise, I defended my decision (and my friend defended hers) to a friend when challenged about my reaction to someone else's actions.  I know we will come to a point where a decision is made: to stay or to go.  Actually, that decision is made daily.

Gebo is a gift.  As commitment is a gift, so is trust.  I had a very strange dream.  I was tested and still remained loyal.  That indicates to me that I still trust in that person and that relationship.  That is good.  When I no longer trust him or the relationship; things will be bad.  Trusting oneself to know is the key.  A friend is in an interesting relationship.  It is always different looking in; I trust she will know when to stay and when to get out.

Laguz is the rune of water.  Water is never stagnant, it is always on the move.  Changing its environment slowly, as it moves on its way.  Whether the change is for the better (going forward) or not (going back in development) is up to the person.  Changes may cause a significant disturbance.  However, keep the faith.  If I am able to meet the challenge, the challenge will present itself.  If not, it wouldn't be here for me to meet.

Berkana reversed offered guidance for tonight.  New growth based upon old patterns.  Growth forms while it is sheltered within.  Focused and pointed advancement may be in the offering.  Niceties may not be needed or required to achieve the growth.    The right action required is to look to ones needs.  No one else will look after your needs, that is your responsibility. 

Saturday, February 19, 2011

19 Feb 2011

Ehwaz, Nauthiz, and Dagaz provided guidance for today.

Ehwaz is movement, a joining of rider and horse.  Moving in tandem.  In some cases, the horse and rider may be individuals or the self and Self.  When it is between the self and Self, time should be taken to learn signals and signs of things to work on or intuitions.  When it involves individuals, it depends on the relationship between the people. 

Nauthiz is the rune of need.  At times, we need to address shame in our lives.  Internal shame in not feeling needed, wanted, or important.  Shame in reacting poorly to something someone did or said, or didn't.  Identify why we feel shame.  Neutralize by attempting to become more positive or optimistic.

Dagaz signifies day.  Day brings a purpose.  Do you have a purpose?  Viktor Frankl observed we did not find a purpose, we detect it.  The purpose we detect is in relation to different aspects of our life: professional purpose, personal purpose, etc.  Detecting the purpose may assist in writing a mission statement.  A mission statement can guide us in our daily lives...

Odin provides advice for tonight.  Odin is a contemporary addition to the traditional 24-rune Futhark.  The new addition may be in a response to the reduced belief in the Divine power.  Perhaps it is a way to increase awareness.  The mystery, the Divine, the Unknowable all indicate an end and a beginning.  Not a rune in the cycle of initiation, however.  Lay fallow and learn about your Self while waiting for the end and beginning. 

Friday, February 18, 2011

18 Feb 2011

Odin, Raido, and Gebo guided today.

Odin is the contemporary representation of the Unknown, the Divine.  Something is coming to an end, something is beginning.  The period of transition is undefined.  Am I in between or at the end or at the beginning?  How do I know?  Even more, how do I know WHAT is the end or the beginning?  Is it the 12 months of my job transition?  Is it a change in my life: be it physical, mental, emotional, marital, other?  I suppose time will tell.

Raido is a journey.  Surrender to the journey.  I know I am on a journey.  I am seeing ravens on a daily basis, heralding a change.  The change, in theory, fluctuates because I see varying numbers, depending on the day.  Perhaps my mission statement will make its presence known one of these mornings...  I know life is a journey.  I feel like I am spinning my wheels, go no where.  I suppose a stall is a journey and this is perhaps a time for me to learn, rest, gain strength, and knowledge before a huge step forward is taken...  Only time will tell.

Gebo is the rune of Gift.  Being loyal to the absent must start with being loyal to the self and Self, as well.  Perhaps I asked for evidence of his health and presence and I received that, indirectly.  Its time to look within and focus upon my Self.  Give the gift to me.  Commit to my own development.

Algiz provides guidance for tonight's task.  A rune of defense, it also can bring a person in touch with its Self or with a form of the Divine.  At times, boundaries are needed to protect the self and the Self.  If you are not prepared, you can be hurt.  Exploring internal strengths, weaknesses, and needs requires a mutual trust between the self and the Self.  This holds true with the Divine as well.   

Thursday, February 17, 2011

17 Feb 2011

Fehu reversed, Eihwaz, and Gebo provided for guidance for today.

Fehu represents wealth.  Wealth can come in a variety of forms: physical wealth, monetary, emotional, etc.  Today was a wealth of information, coming in many forms.  Learning how co-workers deal with stress.  Learning how subordinates deal with a crisis.  Learning how my frustrations are not as bad when compared to those of others.  Remember, a charmed life does not necessarily mean that person has/does not have no stress.  Some of that charm appears to balance the significant challenges that person faces.  There are people whom I admire for their ability to handle some of the most adverse and challenging situations that come across their lives.  I know the friends we gather around ourselves are a reflection of us.  If that is any indication, I can live my challenges with persistent grace.

Eihwaz links our world with other worlds.  It is an opportunity to help others and ourselves.  Have compassion for others.  Help them when they have issues, especially with their own skills.  And compassion for friends who have challenging situations at home.  Learn from these; how their events interact and reflect upon yours.

Gebo is the rune of gifts.  One gift is commitment, especially when relationships are involved.  Does it help to show your commitment to a person when that person is not around to hear or see?  Be loyal to the absent.  Showing or stating commitment for a relationship even when that person is absent, solidifies the commitment in your own head.  Sometimes, that is even more important than when you are observed.  If you think it, it becomes.

Hagalaz is the task for tonight.  Hagalaz represents hail, which is a very disruptive force.  Anger can be disruptive and can cause damage if not recognized, addressed, and neutralized.  Challenges are also disruptions.  Facing them and meeting them can bring them under control.  I did notice that on the days I don't write, my attitude isn't always as good as it could be.  I don't remember seeing that before.  Will make a point to be better about writing.  I am sure there are things I need to address.  I wonder what the night will bring...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

16 Feb 2011

Othila reversed, Nauthiz, and Othila offered guidance for today's activities.

Othila concerns our inheritance, our home.  Our home, like life, is ever changing.  Our character, our permanent home (it is always with us), changes as well.  Characters develop as we face challenges, meet those challenges, and learn from the process to get to the result.  Entering into a situation with an open mind, without preformed notions and expectations, is an excellent way to expand and develop our characters.  Character is a theme that has not been addressed much in recent times.  Instead, we focus upon personality traits.  Personality traits do not foster actions as a character trait does.  Perhaps we need to return to Character Development...

Nauthiz is the need in each of us.  To fulfill a need, do we need to address shame?  Shame in our past actions?  Shame in our reactions to the past actions of others?  The shame involved in selfish acts?  By the way, what is the true definition of a selfish act?

Othila focuses upon home.  Family and friends are part of that home.  Developing our abilities to interact with people: family, partners, friends, acquaintances, or strangers they be; can improve our inner homes and our abilities to interact within our tribes.  Tribes?!?!  Yes, tribes; our own core group of people.  Modern times and technologies have enabled our tribes to scatter to the four winds, leaving us more physically alone as compared to previous generations.  We need to evolve to adapt to that distance and figure out how to maintain those tribal relationships across the miles.  Social media help; they aren't the end-all solutions, though.  Perhaps it is time to become more mentally connected?

Thurisa/Thurisaz is the rune of Thor, of a great force.  Thor was a mighty god and his hammer was a mighty instrument.  The contemporary and traditional interpretations of this rune are very different.  Contemporary indicates a crossing of a threshold.  Traditional indicates a very violent action for either good or ill.  Both indicate a catalyst for change, in some form.  Both caution before creating that change.  Wisdom and compromise may be needed before pursuing a change.  Great consideration is needed before pursuing a desire or a result.  I thought of asking for help from a being and this rune is telling me I need to think seriously about the issue at hand and the consequences of asking.  I am not properly prepared to consult for that help.  I may never be properly prepared.  Therefore, I need to think on it for a while and develop my abilities to solve my own fears and perceived problems before consulting others.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

15 Feb 2011

Kano, Raido, and Odin offered advice for today.

Kano is fire, a torch, that allows each of us to examine ourselves so we can shape and reshape our character.  Am I changing to protect myself?  The better we can see ourselves, the easier to make changes.  The challenges are deciding what changes to make.

Raido is the rune of journey.  Part of the journey is surrendering control.  To whom do we surrender control?  Do we surrender to someone else?  A higher power?  Our Self?  I have not written Morning Pages for the last two mornings, favoring sleep instead as I am sick.  Perhaps that release is my surrender and a form of surrender.  I am surrendering the "stuff" that I wouldn't normally recognize.  Probably a good idea to think about, especially considering my schedule for tomorrow.

Odin is a contemporary invention: The Unknown, the Divine, Odin, All-Father.  When it is in relation to relationships, it looks to the mystery.  The mystery of how we interact with each other, in this case, with the Self.  It reminds me to live in trust, knowing good will come to me...

Isa offers advice for the night.  Ice.  Take time during a standstill to reflect and neutralize fears.  Fear of rejection.  Fear of abandonment.  Fear of being heart-broken.  Fears that need to be replaced with something else.  Replace with what???  Perhaps tonight's sleep and work will help answer that question.

Monday, February 14, 2011

14 Feb 2011

Dagaz, Fehu, and Laguz provided input for today. 

Dagaz is the rune of Day.  With a new day comes a breakthrough or a transformation.  I have no idea what the breakthrough is.  I am working on a couple projects, perhaps I will get one of them completed, in the near future.  Who knows.  I did not write this morning; sleep seemed to be more important.

Fehu represents wealth and a life force.  Life force in that it is a form of wealth that creates.  Our greatest asset is our honesty.  Honesty starts with our Selves and then transmits to others. 

Laguz is the rune of water.  Water brings change.  Change comes daily.  It comes where and when we least expect it.  The source is rarely known.  We need to be better able to embrace change so we can take advantage of the things it brings our way.

Isa offers the tasks for tonight.  When Ice enters, it is wise to go within, to retreat.  To reflect upon life to this point.  Identify the fears and mitigate the fears so we can replace them with new skills.  A retreat is a time to heal.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

13 Feb 2011

Wunjo reversed, Nauthiz, and Sowelu gave their advice for today.

Wunjo is the rune of Joy.  In the reversed position, things may be slow coming into being.  I am continuing to study human relationships and heard an interesting interview about a human's relationship with his/her computer.  This author theorized we treat our computers like humans.  I suppose that is true as most of us probably spend more time with them than we do with flesh and blood humans.  We interact with humans through the computer via social networking and programs like skype.  Anyway, communication is important and part of that is knowing the person you are talking with and the personalities involved so you can communicate effectively and not freak out when communications appear to fail.

Nauthiz is the rune of need and to identify our needs may involve dealing with feelings of shame.  Thinking about going to work with a head cold is one time to consider shame and need.  When am I contagious?  Will I share this fun with others?  Will I be able to pick up cold meds tomorrow?

Sowelu is the rune of Sun and its healing energies.  Ah, perhaps if I focus on healing and the like, I can shorten this cold...  Worth a shot, the worst that can happen is it gets worse...

Hagalaz is the task for tonight.  The rune of hail and with hail can come anger and challenges.  Sleep to fight my cold, after a bath, of course!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

12 Feb 2011

Sowelu, Hagalaz, and Algiz were the runes of today.

Sowelu is the rune of the Sun.  Sowelu brings encouragement in the search for a complete self.  There are three entities to each relationship: self, Self, and both combined into the whole.  The pursuit of wholeness is what each of us are after.  Whether it involves our independent selves or ourselves and others.  Morning pages are excellent ways to gauge how far we have come and where we need to go.

Hagalaz is the rune of hail, of a crisis.  Two crisi entered the day with me.  A friend was in an accident, no one was seriously injured.  However, things came to light that she didn't think about before.  Another friend's mother is in poor shape and is not long for this world.  I know I have no control over these; however, they certain impact those near and dear to me.  When those near and dear are impacted by bad events, one can become angry.  After all, why should bad things happen to good people?  I realize death touches us all and the means of death varies and is appropriate for every person and the people left after their passing.  Which is better: a slow death or a sudden one??

Algiz indicates a need for protection, for mutual trust.  Protecting the Self and the self from external influences.  Protecting from the grief in the world.  Mutual trust when knowing that choices one makes are appropriate for the time and may change with more information.  Perhaps that is why my personality test was different than previous: by creating boundaries, I am insulating myself from the stress of job, protecting myself from projected feelings from others, etc.  Could be onto something there...

Wunjo reversed is tonight's guide.  Things are slow to come to fruition, a crisis may be at hand.  Perhaps my friend will hear news tonight and then will be able to turn her focus inward to herself and her family.  There is a time when we need to focus attentions to partners and offspring over our parents or other family members.  Serenity and celebration need to occur daily in our lives.  We need to look for serenity in the little things when we feel there is none to be found.  Celebrate the new day, new beginnings. 

Friday, February 11, 2011

11 Feb 2011

Ehwaz, Eihwaz, and Nauthiz provided guidance for today.

Ehwaz addresses the relationship between rider and horse, self and Self, person and partner, etc.  Movement may be indicated.  I have been making progress with my chakra work.  I was able to succeed at another task associated with activating them.  I also activated them while driving home, without closing my eyes and going into a meditative state.   I pondered using them from a distance.  I haven't progressed far enough to try that.  I am curious if it would work, though. 

Eihwaz reminds us to protect ourselves from internal and external influences.  Developing abilities and remembering to ground ourselves and dispose of excess energy are important endeavors to pursue.  Combating the inner critic can be harder than guarding against external influences.  Gather strength, dissolve excess energy and deflect negative influences.

Nauthiz is the rune of need and addressing limitations.  I was notified plans have changed for a week from now.  An anticipated death is never pleasant, it can be painful to watch someone waste away, literally.  I need to address two tickets to an event I will not be able to attend and switch gears for plans for that weekend.  Not everything falls together like we think or want things to do.  At times, we need to be flexible and realize some things are not to be.  On to planning an alternate!

Eihwaz offers its advice for tonight.  Protect self, respect self and the process.  Respect the process I have been pursuing and refrain from rushing things.  Respect the work I need to put into the process to be able to use my gifts.  Respect provides a form of protection.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

10 Feb 2011

Sowelu, Othila, Hagalaz, and Isa sent their messages and advice for today.

Sowelu brings with it the Sun.  It sheds light of things in the shadows.  I received a call from a close friend this morning as I was on my way to work.  It was great to hear her voice and to touch bases.  We talked about Valentine's Day and how she has come a long way from last year.  We also talked about a blog we both enjoy.  I shared my chakra experiences with her and she suggested I blog about them.

Othila is about family and grief is deeply tied with family and home.  I recognized that I could not share some of my discoveries with the person closest to me because I may not be guaranteed a response or encouragement.  These discoveries were things I needed validation.  I will share with him, when the time is right and when he has returned from his inner journey.  In the meantime, I chose two people whom I knew would give feed back and would validate or invalidate my findings.  I will not mourn not involving him as I just realized that some journeys are meant to be taken by ones self.  This is one of them for me.  Also, I am caring for the one life of the three lives involved in our relationship: mine.  If I don't care for me, I am no use to the relationship.  I have more to offer when I am healthy and have developed myself as well as I can.

Hagalaz and Isa appeared together.  Challenges and Isolation.  I was not sure if a message I sent yesterday would fall on deaf ears or not.  It was received quite well.  I needed a neutral party to look at something I discovered about personalities and chakras.  Not only was the message well received, I also was encouraged to describe my experiences more and to continue exploring them.  In addition to that, I was surprised by a phone call this morning from a dear friend.  She challenged me to blog about my chakra work.  Which I did this evening.  These challenges I needed to perform on my own and I needed the encouragement from sources that were isolated from my closest relationships.  It is tempting to look to one person or one small group of people for encouragement and guidance; however, at times, you need to look outside of your traditional circle.  Enlarging your circle keeps your relationships healthy because you are creating new.  Much like how aspen stands regenerate themselves after severe disturbances.  The heart of the organism sends up new shoots after disturbances.  It also sends shoots each year to increase itself and replace the dieing shoots with the new.  Never be complacent about your circle, your relationships.  Care for those you have and bring new ones in to bring new growth and to replace gaps as they occur.

Perth offers its task for tonight.  Perth is interpreted by Blum as Initiation, something hidden, a secret matter; love; and intimacy.  Traditionally, it is much like taking communion.  Giving and taking offered drinks and gambling.  To date, I have not appropriately described the traditional interpretation of Perth.  I feel it, I know it, I will find the words.  Its appearance indicates I am on the path to developing my Self.  As I become more complete, my relationships with others will be the better for my efforts.  Perhaps I will dream tonight.

Chakras and Personalities

I have attended a variety of training over the years that explore a variety of personality typing systems: SELF, Psychogeometrics, Briggs Myers, and some chocolate/strawberry/vanilla thing.  Of all of them, I remember the psychogeometrics the best.  I am reading a book that explores using chakras to develop your intuitive abilities.  I took this quiz to identify which intuitive area I use the most.  The two that I scored the highest related directly to the personalities I score highly in.

I was very surprised to see a direct link between personality types and my intuitive abilities!  I looked up the person who first taught me about personalities and shared my findings with her.  At one point, she was looking into astrological influences on personalities.  I firmly believe she is onto something there; however, I think it might be more influenced by birth charts wholly instead of sun signs alone.  I have not created baseline data; however, I am not too far into the project to do that.  I plan on creating that baseline data and will revisit my personality score at a later date, when my abilities have been further developed.

2/11/11 I created my baseline today.  Effectual in the SELF scale.  This was completely unexpected to me, I have never been in this area before.  I am wondering if it relates to the new job and new tasks.  I know I have cycled through the other three at times and am wondering if that isn't the case.  When I started my previous job, I scored as a Factual.  That has not appeared since.

I tried a new task today.  I attended a meeting with a person whom I have never met before.  I have talked to this person on the phone and have heard a variety of opinions of the person prior to our meeting today.  I took a couple minutes to activate my chakras and then attempted to pick out personality types or character descriptors.  I came up with a few; however, I don't know if they were adjectives that I would have normally used or if they came from the general aura of the person.  I shall try again to see what happens.

I've been remembering dreams.  Some are quite disturbing and others are flat strange.  The next task I am going to try is to activate all of them and then make one bigger and meditate on it to see what it tells me and what I can learn from each.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

9 Feb 2011

I tried something new this morning.  I worked with my chakras before I drew.  I haven't had a rune present itself that quickly, EVER!  Wow!

Ansuz, Raido, and Inguz guided me today.

Ansuz brings signals with it.  Signals showing actions and changes are progressing towards a goal.  I received recognition for my speaking abilities this evening.  A little reward for improving my skills.  I also saw indications of my abilities to interact with people.  Who knew your abilities would tie to your personality type?  It makes sense, however, I didn't expect a direct correlation like that.  More work to do to see if I can get some other things to reveal themselves.  Don't know what, but am looking forward to getting the messages!

Raido indicates a journey of some form.  For me, the journey into my chakras became better developed today.  I used them this morning when I drew my runes and experienced success.  I have tried a couple other exercises with less success; however, after this morning, I think I can develop the skills and have better success.  The Morning Pages are going well, too.  I have a feeling that I am coming better into my own and may be better grounded for the journey ahead.  I need that grounding, I am too open to influences without it.

Inguz indicates a period of internal growth.  All three runes today indicated some form of growth, be it messages of timeliness or a journey within.  Some days just flow into each other like that!  At times, growth requires a rest, or a renewal.  Rest or renewal may be an actual physical rest or it may be a reminder of something.  In this case, I was reminded of my abilities and how they relate to my personality.  Intuition and Empathy are linked to a circle and a squiggle!  I haven't evaluated my personality since taking my new job.  I wonder if my results have changed or not.  Currently, I am feeling very squiggly!

Ansuz reversed guides me through tonight's task.  Signs, messages, indications of what needs to be learned from and removed.  Identify things that are in the way of new growth, identify aspects of them that need to be learned from, bless the rest, and remove them.  Clean out the old habits and become ready for the new.  Use adversity to your advantage.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

8 Feb 2011

Perth reversed, Nauthiz, and Ansuz provided guidance for today.

Perth is the rune of Initiation, a secret matter; or the fun to be found in celebrations or completion of a goal.  The traditional interpretation is difficult to put into words, it is the culmination of efforts, I guess.  Perth reversed indicates things within can be worked on to find some success.  Joy in knowing what I am working on is a benefit to me, I am learning a lot of things about myself.  Creative forces are being developed...

Nauthiz is the rune of Need; and when we address needs, shame may present itself.  Shame in what we have done.  Shame in what we didn't do.  Shame in what we wish we could have done.  Shoulda, coulda, woulda.

Ansuz is a rune of messages, of communication.  Communication with self, with others.  Even when we converse with others, we converse with our Selves.  Things we talk about with close friends can be messages we would like to hear ourselves or something we need to hear, as well.

Ehwaz offers encouragement for tonight.  Ehwaz is a rune of movement.  Movement brings forgiveness and letting go in order to move on.  In light of the things I have experienced over the last week, perhaps I need to forgive myself and others for emotional issues.  Letting go of hang ups about my abilities may be timely.  There is always the fear of failure.  That fear is healthy as it keeps us grounded, to a point.  It becomes unhealthy when we allow our fears to hold us back and down.  Neutralizing them so we can develop and grow is important.

Monday, February 7, 2011

7 Feb 2011

Eihwaz, Dagaz, and Algiz shared their advice for today's events and activities.

Eihwaz is the rune of very different interpretations: modern is of Defense; traditional addresses spiritual pursuits.  Considering both, they do go hand-in-hand.  However, they are very separate.  Spiritual pursuits were the focus of my day.  Working on my relationship with my Self and its relation to Higher Power.  Defense enters into the picture because it is important to properly ground yourself.  Grounded, a person can accept what is offered and prevent being overwhelmed by the offerings.

Dagaz is the rune of Day.  With the light of day, fear is dissipated, and hope is restored.  Listen to the messages, pursue the ideal.  Hope is the last gift we have: both for ourselves and for others.  We offer it others and we treasure it in our own hearts.  Hope that we will achieve our purpose.  Hope that we will achieve what we have worked for.  Hope is the greatest of gifts, for without it and without a purpose, we cease to exist.

Algiz is a rune of Warning, to protect oneself.  It represents a sword.  A double-edged sword.  Grasp the sword with care as you can cut yourself upon the blade.  The sword serves as a defense and can be used upon the offense.  Mutual trust, in relationships, is that sword.  Give your trust with care, do not give it blindly.  Trust with care; however, do not horde it in a miserly fashion.  Ungiven trust can rust and fail you when you call upon it to help your cause.  Likewise, carelessly given trust can turn and wound you by cutting into your emotional armor.  Bestow trust upon those who have earned it.  Give it easily while practicing prudence.

Raido indicates a journey for tonight.  A physical, mental, emotional, or psychic journey may be in the offering for tonight.  The journey may also be a proverbial one, one related to character.  It may indicate the journey I have been traveling lately is timely and may serve as encouragement to continue upon this path.  Whichever, I choose to undertake it with delight.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

6 Feb 2011

Raido, Uruz, and Isa graced the day.

Raido indicates a journey in some form.  A long journey may be indicated.  Odd, I didn't leave the house.  I suppose you don't have to actually leave to go on a journey...  My journey has begun and is continuing to change.  The journey of learning to believe in myself and others.  Developing my skills.  Practicing patience.  I am looking forward to seeing how things develop...

Uruz references the ancient arochs, which was used to pull extremely heavy loads.  Gratitude for the help was displayed, I am certain.  My gratitude for the day was to be able to take time for myself.  I am more at peace with some things that bother me.  Active meditation is amazing what it can do!

Isa brings silence and isolation, and fear.  Fear for protecting oneself.  Fear for the new.  Addressing our fears is probably one of the hardest things we will ever do.  My fears tend to be the emotional variety: making myself vulnerable to others.  One of the things I am doing is working on those fears and gaining strength from them.

Tonight's advice comes from Kano reversed.  Fire, an Opening, creating inner stability are hallmarks of this rune.  Its appearance is timely with the last few days.  Taking time to gather my strength and develop skills are things that I need to focus on.  A worthy task for the night.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

5 Feb 2011

Odin, Perth, and Jera offered their influence on today.

Odin is a new addition to the traditional set of 24 runes.  Ralph Blum introduced the idea.  His interpretation was that of things coming to an end and a new beginning starting.  The opportunity to turn a new leaf or whatnot.  To start fresh.  Be it an attitude or something more substantial, new beginnings are called for.

Perth traditionally heralds good tidings and continual change (envision the joy to be found in the hall drinking with friends and playing games).  Ralph Blum interprets Perth as Love when to concerns health.  Question: how do you show/experience love when that person is not within reach?  Remember to be loyal to the absent.  Perhaps it would be an opportune time to remember that to love and to be in love is a gamble in, and of, itself.  WHAT?  Yup, that is right.  Life and love are gambles.  It isn't fair to the absent to cuss them for not being there to protect and help with things.  Sometimes, that is not practical.  Just as it isn't practical for me to be any other place than here; unless it is to visit.  Love at all times, not just when it is convenient to do so.  Have faith in that love, just like a gambler has faith that the win is around the corner.

Jera represents cycles of nature, of life.  It reminds us to not give up, but to persevere.  Keep the faith.  Continue to pursue your goals even when obstacles are thrown in your way.  If the goal and project is worth while, continue, knowing that as you face obstacles that you are gaining strength and will be more successful.

Fehu is offering the task for tonight.  Fehu is the rune of mobile wealth.  Wealth can be monetary or your own abilities.  It is important to share these gifts.  They are, after all, gifts.  Honesty is an excellent example of a gift we have become reluctant to share.  First and foremost, be honest with your self.  When you are, you open yourself to abundance. 

Friday, February 4, 2011

4 Feb 2011

Kano, Thurisa, and Nauthiz provided advice and cautions for today.

Kano is an Opening, a torch, Fire.  Rest and relaxation are needed to foster creative energy.  Self development is an activity which is appropriate today.  Relationships with others can be modified, as well.  It is a good time to work on any aspect of yourself.

Thurisa brings wisdom handed down from upon high.  Wisdom comes in many forms.  Speaking up when appropriate.  Organizing your space.  Staying silent when needed.  Stay centered, listen to the signals.  Have faith.

Nauthiz is the rune of need.  Limitations reflect our need.  Knowing and recognizing our limitations and how to modify them are hallmarks of wisdom.  Learn from them.  Modify them as needed so they can become strengths.

Eihwaz is tonight's task.  Growth is indicated; however, the growth is not in the normal sense.  Instead, it is the connection between the self and the metaphysical.  Guides may make their presence known.  Acceptance of people's quirks and needs and adapting yours to blend them together.  Sacrifice of some type may be needed.  Results may not be evident immediately, practice and take the time to facilitate changes in yourself to make progress towards those results.  

Thursday, February 3, 2011

3 Feb 2011

The week of listening continues...  Scheduling meetings and attending meetings.  Mitigating, or learning how to mitigate.  I am certainly learning!

Uruz, Isa, and Algiz offered their advice for today. 

Uruz reversed reminds me to listen to my surroundings, to watch for signs.  Signs that someone I know may not be a "straight shooter" and an indication that I will have to make a decision that will test my strength and abilities in my new life.  I am reminded to keep an open mind.  To consider all sides and make a decision that will make sense and solve the issues.  A challenge!

Isa is the rune of Ice.  Ice is an element of a frozen world and humans are not entirely comfortable in a world of ice, in fact, there is fear involved.  There are many fears in my life: getting too close; exposing my Self too much; my creative life; and my professional abilities.  All of these fears visit on a daily basis, some more than others.  Today was focused upon my skills and abilities in my professional life.  When handling a conflict that has been inherited and involves "he said, she said," what resources are available to guide me to a success?  It is time to consult all the training materials I have obtained over the years to see what they have to say.  Listen, keep an open mind, pay attention to any triggers that present themselves, keep an open mind, and do my best to solve the problem diplomatically without setting a precedence or providing an easy way out.

Algiz is the rune of protection, a double edged sword especially when it comes to mutual trust.  Trusting too much or too little leaves you exposed to someone else.  Blindly trusting is always dangerous; however, trust should be given until it is no longer appropriate.  Too little trust can leave you vulnerable to make solid relationships with others.  Take the time to build a good, strong foundation of trust.  Doing so will make it easier to have a strong partnership.

Thurisa is tonight's task.  Patiently wait to cross the threshold.  Review the events of the past.  Embrace them, bless them, thank them, let them go.  Gather the wisdom available to you.  Compromise with the need to rush forward and the need to slowly approach the next phase of your life. 

taking the time to listen

In our fast-paced frantic world, we rarely slow down to take time for simple things: touching base with people, checking in with ourselves, and experiencing the world around us.  This week has brought it home to me to take time and listen.

Monday was the normal whirl and buzz of starting the week.  On top of that, I was away from my desk- okay, I admit that it wasn’t the desk demanding attention, it was my e-mail- all last week and I had a long list of things that needed my attention.  And, panic set in when I realized how many meetings were scheduled for this week!  To complicate things, I chose to start Morning Pages Monday morning.  Tuesday rolled around and I (and one of my guys) participated in a meeting.  We had a lengthy discussion at lunch and on the way back to the office about the pros and cons of “warm and fuzzy” meetings.  I attempted to explain that it has been a long process for that group to make the successes they have made and part of that process was to get to know each other, much like a family does, and that it was the “price” of admission.  He didn’t buy it.  I left work and made the trek home not thinking about the meeting and our discussions.  I grabbed a quick bite before heading to another meeting.  It was a great gathering of creative people coupled with a cool demonstration.  I left with various things rolling around in my brain and my car forced me to listen to it!  I finally made it home, after the nice tow kid came and pronounced my ignition DOA and delivered me to my door, at 2300.  I spent today working from home and negotiating with the service department, insurance, and a car rental agency.  I got my rented wheels, checked in with a frustrated friend, and went to the third meeting of the week!  Toast Masters had a Meet-and-Greet before our regular meeting.  It was wonderful to sit and visit with people as we rarely have time before or after the meetings to visit and get to know people.  I came home and opened a book and came across this: “… say that the places themselves remember.  But it takes awhile to hear them.” 

Steve Covey says you have to pay the price.  He references developing or changing one’s character when he talks about paying the price.  Don’t we pay a price for the relationships we develop?  My boyfriend bristles at that idea, he says I have paid one hell of a price for the relationships I have with various people (he includes himself in that list, as well).  Looking at my relationships, those of whom I am close with, I have paid a dear price for each and every one of them.  They aren’t casual friendships, not the ones I have invested myself in, to be carelessly tossed aside.  I have always been that way.  I have friends whom I know and care about; however, they can’t hold a candle to the relationships I have with my nearest and dearest loved ones.  Of all of them, I can honestly say that he is one of the top five.  One of the prices I have paid is taking the time to listen.  The price of listening is figuring out how to listen. 

Ken Overcast talks about “unplugging his ears after telling him how he feels” when he visits with the Lord.  He says listening to the Lord reply is the best part.  We move so fast that we have failed to slow down and listen; to truly listen to the people and our surroundings.  I have left behind the places that speak to me.  I must find new ones that draw me in and have a message to give.  I have a couple in mind that have been quietly knocking at the door.  I need to pay the price to gain the privilege of their secrets.  Likewise, I am slowly developing relationships with organizations and people I am meeting in my new life.  I am taking the time, making the effort, paying the price to cultivate new ties to this community and the people within while maintaining established relationships.  It is daunting, I am up to the challenge!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

2 Feb 2011

Mannaz, Ansuz, and Uriz called for a day of reflection and contemplation...

Mannaz is the rune of the Self.  It speaks of listening to your being and developing a relationship with your Self.  It also points to developing a relationship with our surroundings.  Not your desk, but the environment around you (you know, its that place outside that we briefly visit on our way to the car; the place we actively try to tame; the sky, dirt, grass, leaves, Earth).  The best way to live life is to be well rounded, balanced with our selves, humans, flora, fauna, and every creation in the Universe.  Care of the Self is very important, as well.  Minimize stress.  It will be there; however, we do not have to allow it to dominate our day or our life.

Ansuz is the rune of Signals, of Messages.  Part of the messages coming in may be one of Guilt.  Guilt that I was unable to attend a meeting today.  Guilt that I wasn't able to do my duty.  I had to address that guilt and neutralize it.  It was actually fairly easy as what car rental agency is open at 2300 on a Tuesday night?  Or at 0500 on a Wednesday morning?  I was also reminded to take time to listen.  Listen to any, to all.

Uruz is the rune describing aurochs and its strength.  One of the most valuable strengths is support.  Providing support when it is needed is an act of kindness to offer loved ones, including ourselves.  Support given by others should be thanked appropriately and appreciated.  I planned on taking the day off due to yesterday's events; however, I was given support when a co-worker offered to send documents to me so I could work from home.  It was a great idea and I was able to be productive even when I was making arrangements for repairs and the like.  Today, I was reminded to listen.

Ansuz advices there are more messages to receive tonight for tomorrow's activities.  Take the time to listen to your environment.  Give your time and you will be rewarded with knowledge.  Listen to what your Self has to tell you.  You might be surprised at the advice given.  My morning pages solved a problem yesterday morning and continued to solve it this morning.  What a wonderful thing to discover you "knew" the answers all along!  Take the time to listen.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

1 Feb 2011

Uffdah!  What a long day! 

Algiz reversed, Perth, and Gebo offered their advice for today.

Algiz represents Sedges, Elk and Protection.  Traditionally, it also represented a sword.  Beware of your health and take care concerning the associations you make at this time.  Wow, was that ever on track!  I went to a meeting of like-minded-creative types and ran into the sister of a guy who's sister is married to a guy who's sister owes me money from my previous life!  Oh ya!  She looks a LOT like her sister and I sorta figured it out before she asked me where I was from and if I knew her brother-in-law (or whatever he would be).  I'm gonna have to be careful with that one.  I know there is a story there, but she wasn't saying and that is probably a good thing.  HOWEVER, did her face say it ALL!  It isn't really that often when the runes are that blatantly obvious, especially this one, but holy cow, was it dead on!!!  Keep head down, mouth shut, and keep movin forward...

Perth is one of the more complex runes.  In Blum's health interpretations, he indicates it addresses love.  The traditional interpretation is much more complex.  For today, love will suffice.  Thank you dad for coming to my rescue!  How can a person rescue someone else 800 miles away you may wonder.  Knowing what to say and providing advice for a situation neither of you have control over helps.  Showing just the right concern and knowing what to say to prevent a blubbering idiot/screaming shrew calling for help is a wonderful skill!  By the way, he may be the source for the blubbering idiot/screaming shrew tendencies...  Or it might be mom....

Gebo is the rune of Gifts.  One important gift is partnership and part of that is commitment.  Commitment came in many forms today.  Committing to be involved in a committee to build a mission and a vision statement for a group; joining a group; committing to spending an unknown quantity of money...  Not bad for one day. 

Raido offers the task for tonight.  A Journey towards Surrender to bring Harmony.  Something clicked in my brain today.  It will be interesting to see what tomorrow brings.  Surrender to the lure of sleep to bring some quiet to my life in a form of harmony until the alarm sounds and a new day starts again.