Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Process

Each morning, I sit on my bed with my bag of runes.  I am using the set of 25 that are referenced in the books written by Ralph Blum.  They include the 24 runes of the elder and younger Futharks and Odin, the mystery rune.  I ask a question, in this case, "What do I need to know to live life today?" and draw which ever rune that "sticks" to my hand.  I am very careful about looking at the rune so I don't alter its presentation; either upright or reverse.  I write it down in my calendar and place it back in the bag.

I repeat the process with two other questions:
"What do I need to know about my health for today?"
"What do I need to do for my relationship with myself?"

After writing the runes down, I consult Mr. Blum's books.  The Book of Runes for the first question, The Healing Runes for the second, and the Relationship Runes for the third.  Presentation is not important for the Healing and Relationship runes as they have no reversed form.

I read each entry before continuing on in my preparations for the day.  I have not noticed any difference in drawing runes based upon having a shower or not.  I have not done any meditations in the morning in quite a while, so this could change.  The journaling process is outlined in The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron.

The last rune is drawn right before going to bed.  I ask "What do I need to work on for tomorrow?" and draw a rune.  This rune is written down, maintaining its presentation, and I consult all three references.

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