Thursday, February 10, 2011

10 Feb 2011

Sowelu, Othila, Hagalaz, and Isa sent their messages and advice for today.

Sowelu brings with it the Sun.  It sheds light of things in the shadows.  I received a call from a close friend this morning as I was on my way to work.  It was great to hear her voice and to touch bases.  We talked about Valentine's Day and how she has come a long way from last year.  We also talked about a blog we both enjoy.  I shared my chakra experiences with her and she suggested I blog about them.

Othila is about family and grief is deeply tied with family and home.  I recognized that I could not share some of my discoveries with the person closest to me because I may not be guaranteed a response or encouragement.  These discoveries were things I needed validation.  I will share with him, when the time is right and when he has returned from his inner journey.  In the meantime, I chose two people whom I knew would give feed back and would validate or invalidate my findings.  I will not mourn not involving him as I just realized that some journeys are meant to be taken by ones self.  This is one of them for me.  Also, I am caring for the one life of the three lives involved in our relationship: mine.  If I don't care for me, I am no use to the relationship.  I have more to offer when I am healthy and have developed myself as well as I can.

Hagalaz and Isa appeared together.  Challenges and Isolation.  I was not sure if a message I sent yesterday would fall on deaf ears or not.  It was received quite well.  I needed a neutral party to look at something I discovered about personalities and chakras.  Not only was the message well received, I also was encouraged to describe my experiences more and to continue exploring them.  In addition to that, I was surprised by a phone call this morning from a dear friend.  She challenged me to blog about my chakra work.  Which I did this evening.  These challenges I needed to perform on my own and I needed the encouragement from sources that were isolated from my closest relationships.  It is tempting to look to one person or one small group of people for encouragement and guidance; however, at times, you need to look outside of your traditional circle.  Enlarging your circle keeps your relationships healthy because you are creating new.  Much like how aspen stands regenerate themselves after severe disturbances.  The heart of the organism sends up new shoots after disturbances.  It also sends shoots each year to increase itself and replace the dieing shoots with the new.  Never be complacent about your circle, your relationships.  Care for those you have and bring new ones in to bring new growth and to replace gaps as they occur.

Perth offers its task for tonight.  Perth is interpreted by Blum as Initiation, something hidden, a secret matter; love; and intimacy.  Traditionally, it is much like taking communion.  Giving and taking offered drinks and gambling.  To date, I have not appropriately described the traditional interpretation of Perth.  I feel it, I know it, I will find the words.  Its appearance indicates I am on the path to developing my Self.  As I become more complete, my relationships with others will be the better for my efforts.  Perhaps I will dream tonight.

Chakras and Personalities

I have attended a variety of training over the years that explore a variety of personality typing systems: SELF, Psychogeometrics, Briggs Myers, and some chocolate/strawberry/vanilla thing.  Of all of them, I remember the psychogeometrics the best.  I am reading a book that explores using chakras to develop your intuitive abilities.  I took this quiz to identify which intuitive area I use the most.  The two that I scored the highest related directly to the personalities I score highly in.

I was very surprised to see a direct link between personality types and my intuitive abilities!  I looked up the person who first taught me about personalities and shared my findings with her.  At one point, she was looking into astrological influences on personalities.  I firmly believe she is onto something there; however, I think it might be more influenced by birth charts wholly instead of sun signs alone.  I have not created baseline data; however, I am not too far into the project to do that.  I plan on creating that baseline data and will revisit my personality score at a later date, when my abilities have been further developed.

2/11/11 I created my baseline today.  Effectual in the SELF scale.  This was completely unexpected to me, I have never been in this area before.  I am wondering if it relates to the new job and new tasks.  I know I have cycled through the other three at times and am wondering if that isn't the case.  When I started my previous job, I scored as a Factual.  That has not appeared since.

I tried a new task today.  I attended a meeting with a person whom I have never met before.  I have talked to this person on the phone and have heard a variety of opinions of the person prior to our meeting today.  I took a couple minutes to activate my chakras and then attempted to pick out personality types or character descriptors.  I came up with a few; however, I don't know if they were adjectives that I would have normally used or if they came from the general aura of the person.  I shall try again to see what happens.

I've been remembering dreams.  Some are quite disturbing and others are flat strange.  The next task I am going to try is to activate all of them and then make one bigger and meditate on it to see what it tells me and what I can learn from each.