Friday, April 1, 2011

1 April 2011

April Fools' Day!  Didn't do anything and nothing was done to me (that I know of)...

Eihwaz, Wunjo, and Odin were the guiding influences for today.

Eihwaz is the rune of defense.  Defending my beliefs about my work schedule in light of a different culture than what I learned.  Also, defending my life and its balance.  I haven't used work as a refuge, and I refuse to start that at this time.  It is best to have a balanced life.

Wunjo is the rune of joy and part of joy is serenity.  Personally, I view serenity as being at peace with myself and my life.  I am not at peace with myself, yet, but I like the direction my life is going.  Spring is here!

Odin is the mystery in any relationship, with the Self included.  Keeping myself on the path I started earlier.  Stay focused.

Dagaz is the task for tonight.  Looking to a breakthrough while maintaining hope and a purpose.  Not the easiest thing to do, but worth the effort!