Tuesday, July 19, 2011

19 July 2011

Isa, Wunjo, and Fehu guided my actions today.

Isa represents Issis and the self.  When the self is drawn, an indication is present to distance oneself from others to focus upon the self.  There are times when we need to withdraw and reserve our energies.  I was able to spend the day focusing on items I needed to get done without the distraction of my employees.  I also participated in a class which is much like yoga and meditation.  A reminder to look within for signals to progress.  Ask the Self.  Answers are within.

Wunjo, joy, brings serenity.  Are there things in your life requesting your attention?  Needing a tweak?  Needing to be placed upon the back burner so other areas can attract your attention?

Fehu represents things, assets, in your life.  They are as abundant as you want them to be.  Ask, believe, receive.  The asking is important.  The desire must be phrased in a positive manner.  Belief is important.  Use your brain to your advantage.  As you believe in the things you ask for, you will receive them.  Frame the question correctly, you will succeed.

Dagaz brings the light of day into an aspect of life that has been in the dark.  The coming of a new day.  Recognizing what changes need to happen or learning how positive actions in my life can impact the lives of those around me can create a fundamental shift.  Judging others gets me no where, especially when I am unaware of their lives and circumstances.  Is it the truth?  Whose story is it?  Changes are mine to make.  Change is my choice to make.  Positive changes are the best option.

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