Tuesday, May 17, 2011

17 May 2011

Fehu, Kano, and Hagalaz guided my day.

Fehu brought more signs I am on the right path.  My next step is to choose the avenue I want to venture down.  Do a little homework and then commit.  That is all there is to it.

Kano indicates an opening and at times, accepting is part of that opening.  Acceptance of what I am.  Acceptance of where I am.  Acceptance of who I am.  Acceptance of what I can become.  Acceptance of who I can become.  Acceptance of the tasks and steps it will take to get me to that place and that person. Some times, acceptance is hard to come by; to give; and to take.  It must be done.

Hagalaz brings challenges and provides the solutions.  The solutions present themselves in plain language or in the places you never expected.  No matter how they present themselves, it is a good idea to stop and consider the solutions prior to implementing them to determine if they are appropriate to the situation and challenge at hand.  At times, it may be best to pursue the status quo or the solution presented to you.  Hagalaz does not indicate a decision needs to be implemented immediately.  You can choose to rush it, or consider the situation for all angles before making a decision.

Isa is the task for tonight.  When a person feels as if he/she is at a standstill, it is either a stall or a pause in the action.  At times, we feel fear when we come to a halt.  Instead of running scared, we should take the time to reflect.  Reflect upon where we have come.  Reflect upon how we have grown.  Reflect upon the past and where we have come.  Isa indicates a need to step back, take a breath, appreciate where we have come, let go of the mistakes, and affirm where we are going.  Affirm.  Affirm and take the first step towards your future.

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