Friday, March 4, 2011

4 March 2011

Today's draws were Gebo, Sowelu, and Perth. 

Gebo is a gift.  Gifts can come in a variety of guises.  A co-worker can advise you of weather conditions.  It could be a hello from a horse.  It could be an idea that started in the early morning followed by an active effort to dis-spell the idea and turn it into a positive idea.  Gifts can be big and small.  Keep your eyes open to see them so they don't pass you by.

Sowelu represents the Sun.  Sun is a new life, warmth.  A new moon is tonight.  A new cycle of life comes with it.  A renewal.  My morning pages, runes, and a draw afterwords resulted in a message to me that I have not given up.  All may not be right in the world, but all is not lost.

Perth is a complex rune.  Some translate it into the Devil because of its association with drinking and gaming.  Others view it as something hidden.  Personally, I can see why the translations exist.  The Devil is associated with any mind-altering substance and the uses of those substances.  That stance does not take into account the festive feelings brought by those activities in that day-and-age.  Modern day Westerners do not imbibe in the same manners as the older generations.  We have lost that control and the joy of being with friends, family, and tribe members when we are celebrating in that manner.  The something hidden is that joy and celebration found in cutting loose with kin.  There are days when the tiny interactions with people provide enough happiness to celebrate life. 

Combined, these three were opportune for additional rune work.  I chose to do a three-rune draw asking about the Overview, Challenge, and Action for a particular issue.  My results reminded me that support is a vital part of the issue I was seeking advice about.  Of course, the challenge is maintaining passion for the issue through out challenges.  To accomplish that, I need to recognize and appreciate the Mystery of the issue itself and allow the unknown to present itself. 

Nauthiz is the task for tonight.  Looking to my needs while knowing not everything is available to me at this time.  I need to also recognize any feelings of shame and address them.  I must work within my limitations so I do not exhaust myself.  After a trio of positive runes today (not that there are truly positive and negative runes), I am reminded that I should not sink myself into the glory because there is still work for me to commit to and complete before I can truly relax and celebrate.

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