Sunday, December 19, 2010

18 Dec 2010

Weekends are a change in my routine.  I may not leave the house, so the runes are often a reflection of thoughts of the day, or are very subtle guides for thoughts and actions. 

This morning, I drew Ehwaz reversed, Laguz, and Sowelu.

Ehwaz is the rune of movement, of the horse.  It is all about movement, whether it helps or blocks progress.  Today, I spent time menu planning for next week when I have family coming in for Christmas.  We have a rocky relationship, always have.  Some days, I think it would be great if my family took the step beyond being family and becoming friends.  Alas, I don't see that happening.  So, movements that block.  I am wondering what to do to entertain them in this town.  There are some things to do, but it isn't like a major metropolitan area with shopping, museums, etc.  So, I am going to buy a puzzle!  As far as menu planning, they are not as forgiving as cooking for friends and the like.  They know my skills, they have been a fixture for a long time; and with that comes judging: "Do we NEED that?"  Will I be able to stand up to the criticism?  My inner critic has nothing on my mom.  So, today, I dealt with that.  Sorta...

Laguz is humor in the healing runes.  I watched some BBC, so I must have had humor in my day, right?  Where I should have focused my need for humor was laughing off the trauma that I am anticipating next week.  Shoulda said to myself that all that stuff isn't my problem, it is hers!  and to some extent, his!  Something to think about and aim for.  No need to work myself up on something that hasn't even happened yet.  Of course, nicknames may be a way to cope with the stress, too...

On to the third, Sowelu, the rune of healing.  Ah, perhaps that is what I was supposed to work on last night: healing my dread of the coming week!  Kinda late in the day to realize that; however that doesn't stop me from starting the healing process...  Recognizing the stress and then taking steps to forgive the cause, the actions, the catalyst, those are all things I need to do to regain a sense of balance and peace with family.

Tonight's selection is Algiz: protection, the elk, sedges or rushes; boundaries; and mutual trust.  I am reminded not to collapse myself into my emotions and to take correct action as that is my protection.  Boundaries serve to protect by keeping open space around me.  However, building mutual trust is something that will allow someone(s) the ability to come in close, to safely walk past the horns and to walk through the noisy grasses knowing he/she/they will be welcomed...  All are important things to consider and excellent protections to develop. 

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